Channel Status


Komentarze: 5

  • bobby

    They seem to have removed it in favor of the “chilling tbh” individual statuses, which everyone can set

    Individual statuses which broadcast to everyone in every server that you're in a VC

    This sucks, the channel statuses were an actual useful feature, and these “chilling tbh” things are invasive trash

  • t3hsquirr3l

    I just noticed it was missing today, I have used it on many occasions and I'm also sad that it isn't showing. Would love to have it back.

  • Rudolph Koonce

    It was especially helpful for knowing when channels were dead zones and when they were buzzing with activity. Now, it's like wandering into a dark room hoping you won't trip over someone's spilled popcorn. basket random


  • Pith1947

    Hello! Thanks for the info

  • Dezemberr

    Bump. I very much miss this feature and the replacement version is annoying.


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