Let Bots Have .gif Avatars
Oficjalny komentarz
It is done. Bots can now upload an animated avatar.
I don't know why bots couldn't... 5 -
Has nothing to do with Discord, friend. Ask that to the bot devs/hosters.
-76 -
That would be pretty cool!
6 -
it would be nice if bots were allowed to have .gif avatars, thinking as a bot dev.
10 -
You can upload them, go to the bot user, change the file type to All Files and you can select GIFs and it will not work. It will show the first frame but it won't be animated.
-24 -
ludzie, jak zrobic tego bota?!
-16 -
I personally see no reason why this shouldn't be available to all bots and not just a single one of a dev with nitro.
Bots can already use custom emojis (animated and normal ones) from other Discord servers they're in without the dev requiring nitro for it and I see no real reason as to why bots shouldn't have gif avatars. I mean sure, gory avatars and seizure causing ones are a thing, but those could just be reported imo.
And I can also not see a reason like "More gif avatars would decrease performance" as I would imagine gifs taking pretty much nothing from the performance. Uploaded gifs would be way worse here.
7 -
I think that would be a good idea but the only problem is abuse so why not when a bot is certified we can change the tag and the avatar annimated, like that no Abu
4 -
I completely agree with every one's perspective here cause it has a point to defend.
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Make this an update.
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It's easy to answer the "More gif avatars would decrease performance" opinion. There's the Reduced Motion settings right?
-2 -
As a bot developer, I see it as a good idea because the bot avatar could reflect its usage better.
Though I have an alternate view as people don't often tap on bot profiles and gifs only play in specific parts of Discord
5 -
ye it would be pretty cool
3 -
At least for devs with nitro... It would be soooooo cool.
7 -
1 -
Yeah it will be very good.
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https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360030001612/comments/360008189591: No, right now it is physically impossible for bots to have animated icons.
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This change is now live :D
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they added this recently
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