Rules splash page, accesible in server menu
Some thoughts:
- #rules channels can create specific channel invite links. If you're wanting people to read the #rules channel whenever they join the server, create a specific invite link that will invite them directly to #rules. All you have to do is click the person icon with the + sign next to #rules and you can generate a link there.
- You may manage permissions of this specific channel and allow your moderators to edit/add rules. For example, my best friend's server allows mods to add more rules as they may come up in conversation. Check it out here. For more information, here is a video you might find helpful.
- I agree that maybe #rules and/or #information could have specific permissions given to mods that allow moderators to "edit" other people's messages (some people think it looks messy and unorganized).
6 -
a good idea if it supports like customizations and markdown language to allow staff to create a more "fancy" rule and welcome channel 12 -
Maybe the possibility to create embedded messages in those channels without bot?
12 -
Something like embedded messages would be nice. Atm bots can create them and everyone who got access to the bots dashboard (or sth like that) is able to change the message.
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I support the idea of adding wikis to a server. But why abuse a channel? I'm for a real wiki section as I don't think that a bunch of pinned formatted messages will make a good resource for information.
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This is a great idea! I'd love it if, on top of Elavic's suggestion of a channel-specific invite, a timer could be set so the person would have to wait before the other channels show up/they can click to other channels.
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This is already able to do with the use of bots in your server. You can also add bots that require you to click an emoji or type something like '!verify' in order to view specific channels.
1 -
I see this one as a curious addition to a fair few servers, not least for news and updates. It would almost certainly benefit larger servers with tons of members! 2 -
I have not seen an idea like this, but I really like it. I hope they will add this and hopefully implement a few other things into it like Server activity (messages tracked per user), rules put into it that are editable by people allowed to edit it, etc) 2 -
thats called a website?
-8 -
I think this is a fantastic suggestion! 0 -
Can actually do this with a bot. Have all channels locked from everyone on initially joining a server with other being able to see the rules channel, If they accept they have to click a check mark icon at the bottom and bot assigns them the basic role to see other channels and chat on the server
(ours just has a role with same name as the server)0 -
Some servers may have a long list of rules, and they may be on a separate channel that writing permissions have been restricted for, so having a pop-up may be counterintuitive. 2 -
1.) Create channel
2.) Do all of that
-6 -
I don't like this idea
-7 -
Do you mean like member count, creation date, and (your) join date? If so, that's amazing! 0 -
Being able to write a description of your server after someone clicks the invite link to see what its all about is a good idea, instead of being spammed with pings, explaining what its all about 1 -
Something as simple as a way to drag and drop "topics" and re-organize them, and allow us to push images to certain sides of a "topic" ex: align left, right, center would be very useful.
2 -
Maybe like a neat interface for it too. With fields and what not that go across the screen left and right instead of just up and down like normal rule chats!
0 -
I really like this idea. Especially when paired with Markdown formatting. Would make for a much cleaner rules page.
1 -
This absolutely, except the join server event isn't triggered until they've accepted the rules, and if they haven't they're not allowed in. 1 -
This really should be added, and not behind a paywall please..
2 -
Bumping this feature. HTML is maybe overkill for some servers, but extended Markdown support would be nice.
If admins oder moderators want to create such pages currently they have to use various workarounds to get the desired design.
Especially working with images, videos, links and such are a pain for something like this.
Thinking of something like a new channel type. Could be used for Welcome/Splash pages, rules and even guides or wikis if not restricted to only one page.2 -
oh like it 0 -
I want see 0 -
The splash page popup should reappear whenever the rules are updated. Allowing existing users to "Accept" or "Reject and leave".
You could also have a header image for this which by default would say "RULES" in the Discord header font. Maybe a Nitro Boosting perk would allow servers to upload a custom header image (maybe even a gif at a higher tier.)
Also, you should allow the server admins to insert links into parts of the text to reference external webpages.
Sorry for any mistakes, written from my phone.
2 -
I remember that people get the rules. From that person break the rule.
0 -
Multiple languages support would be good too
0 -
we need this 0 -
You can already do this with permissions. Just create a new channel, go into the permissions, and set @everyone's permissions to be able to read the channel but not send messages (allow them to add reactions to messages if you want). Then add the owner role as a separate permission and turn everything on. Now the Owner can message in that channel and everyone else can see it but not send additional messages.
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