Custom Discord Ringtones
I think there should be an option to set ringtones for specific friends, that way you would know who's calling without having to close your game!!
Thanks for all the support I had no idea this post would get so much attention!
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We need this ASAP. Can't believe Discord is already so old without having that feature. Would totally suck to make it a Nitro only feature, though.
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I want hardbass when someone is calling me.
So Discord pls add this.17 -
As well as the ability to set ringtone per caller so u can tell whos calling without looking
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Imagine being called and it plays the Wii theme music.
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This would be a great feature, you would be able to tell who is calling you without looking. 8 -
Definitely would love a ringtone feature of some sort. The current ringtone bothers my ears.
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I'd prefer if it wasn't only for discord nitro. I'd like to make my own custom sounds for each notification. I would also like to be able to be notified for @'s Because right now there's no way to only have @'s make a notification as far as I know.
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Cmon Discord team, how is this not a thing yet. Make it happen;D
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i also really want a soundfont of the discord call, i wanna make a cover of idolm@ster's take me / take you with it2 -
mAkE tHiS oR :gun:
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Please add this one! i dont care nitro or not just DO IT
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I would appreciate a way to change the ringtone as the current one I extremely dislike due to bad memories associated with it :/
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This would be great! I can use the coffin dance meme as my ring tone- I mean, I would use a great song for my ringtone!
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I want this on Discord !
A custom song per friend or global and maybe multiple songs who play randomly...
I'm sure you can do it, discord !
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Yes it would be cool!
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you could probably tinker with some files and change it
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frankly i hate the incoming ring and its way to loud. I hope the feature to lower the volume or change it happens soon. the fact it can't be modified already is insane to me.
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Yes please!
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It would be great!
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Yes, make this
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I 100% am in support of this
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Hmmm? OK, so, upvoting will be good for this. I'd like to see this update on Discord. 1 -
That would be really cool! 1 -
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Might be cool 1 -
I know the guy that made this
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I'm still waiting for this. Earlier Discord versions had the sound effects in a folder (which was moddable), but now it seems they are packaged. Please Discord Team, allow for custom sound effects. I'd pay to have individualized sounds per server, but at the VERY least, 1 custom sound for each action.
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