Upload Video 8 MB
Udzielono odpowiedziGood morning, I wanted to ask if you could please increase the size of video uploads.
In 2019 8 Mb make me laugh, not even 20 seconds of video.
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This is a dupe of https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360031101592, so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion! -
In the meantime, Nitro or Nitro Classic would allow you to upload files up to 50 mb. Alternatively, you could upload to an external site and link it 0 -
buy discord nitro 0 -
The 8mb upload limit is set for non Nitro users, however there is a 50mb upload limit for Nitro users. I believe the limits are set up this way to help manage server load and resource usage. Discord isn't really meant to be a file or video hosting service, but there are ways to share videos into Discord without running into limits 0
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