[Suggestion] Mentioning without pinging
So I'm in a few servers that act as communication between an alliance/guild in a game, and sometimes I get pinged purely cause the poster wants to send out instructions to other guild members that are somewhat related to me, but don't require me to do anything... so like when the officers know I'm currently unavailable so they tell the rest of my alliance to back me up on the stuff I can't do.
It's really annoying when I come back the next day and there's like 5 messages just telling others to finish the job I started. So here's my idea.
Basically, with this feature, adding a certain character before the @ in a mention (maybe `@ or something), and this will mean that the 'mentioned' user will not get a mention notification, but will still be highlighted.
I'd be perfectly fine if this feature is never implemented; just thought that this might keep some people that little bit more sane... so yeah read this how you will.
PERFECT! Sometimes you also just want to ping a user to show someone else who you're talking about, e.g. when multiple people have the same name. you could always give their full name without the @, but it'd be so much easier if you could provide a "link" to their profile so there's not even any room left for confusion.
however, I do have to add that what I described (aka leaving out the @ in the mention) kind of gives the same as this feature would. this suggestion would just be a little more comfortable way to do it.
27 -
An actually usable idea, I agree this would be extremely useful for staff who just want to highlight their message so it catches your eye, but don't want to ping '@everyone' .
Possibly make the syntax something like, '@highlight' or something like that.
+1 to this post.
Cheers!12 -
I'm needing this feature in a bot I'm writing. There are administrative functions for the bot where I need to reference a user and @Mention is the best way to ensure you're referencing the user you intend. But this means that user gets spammed with notifications for mundane things they don't care about.
9 -
Great idea! +1 8 -
It'd be great!
But in the meantime there's a workaround. You can tag people without them getting a notification if for example you wish to link a user to someone else. Simply send a message without tagging the person you want to link, then edit this message and add the tag, it'll link to the user without them receiving a notification.
8 -
Want to bump this! Discord channels for programming really need this feature because there are usually a bunch of people asking questions on the same channel. +1 +2 +8 +947
6 -
Please, add this function, it's really important for one of my bot's features...
6 -
This is also useful because a lot of people try to auto-complete people's names by mentioning them... which pings them. This is especially painful in cases like mine where I have a bot that stores game profile information for users and they needlessly ping people trying to save some typing effort. Heck, sometimes I start a ping just so that I can get username autocompletes so that I can check on various things (whether or not someone has set a nickname, whether a name that we have seen in-game happens to be involved on our Discord server, and similar purposes). Being able to safely get the auto-completing features of a mention without annoying people is a *big* benefit, in my mind.
3 -
Maybe the quiet ping syntax can be %Name since we already have @Name for pings and #Name for channels. At first I was going to suggest $Name because $ looks like 'S' which would make sense for "Silent" but I'm sure that would be a massive localization problem.
I often do silent pings (Write the mention in an edit instead of the original message) when I want to draw someones attention to a part of the conversation when they have the time to be catching up on the missed messages such as when we're talking about something on which someone is a subject matter expert.
3 -
Need this implemented ASAP.
+12 -
Yes, please.
2 -
Yes - this will be helpful a lot. Now I don't need to check my 92 pings notifications every day. +1
2 -
> Why is it so hard for discord to implement such minor things that literally takes minutes to code...
> Like, 2 years for this, are you fr?
They already have the framework for it in the allowedmentions object. If you log in using the api you can @ propel without pinging them. I think it’d be nice if you could apply the little banner with @ on / off in replies to normal messages.2 -
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The option could be similar to how it is in replies. With a little "@ON/OFF" button above the input box.
2 -
Perhaps typing `[role]` rather than `@role` could trigger this function....
2 -
Would be extremely useful!
1 -
I would need this too for my bot. I have a function where the bot lists a bunch of people that somebody might want to contact on a certain matter. If I add mentions for all of them, they'll all get pinged, which I don't want. If I don't add them, it'll be less convenient to contact them.
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Maybe <@Name> to suppress the notification since <youtube.com> has a link but doesn't show a preview
1 -
Why is it so hard for discord to implement such minor things that literally takes minutes to code...
Like, 2 years for this, are you fr?
1 -
1 -
YES!! I need this: I'm making a bot where there's a game users can type !score @someone to get the score of that person as DM it would be a shame to make them type the whole name everytime + nicknames can introduce ambiguity but I don't want the person to be ping'd everytime someone looks them up
1 -
Bots have this already, users don't.
1 -
on bots it's called allowed_mentions btw.
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JDJG not sure if you were answering me or just adding the remark. I do need users to be able to tag without pinging (or for the bot to be able to disable the notification when a user tags another user but that one seems trickier)
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This is a great idea. I might also want to add a way you can say ‘@everyone’ without pinging them at all, and also not getting highlighted like a normal ping. What I mean by highlighting is the blue around the mention. Basically I’m suggesting a way to send @everyone but without pinging anyone and in regular text format.
0 -
Y e s.
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