
Komentarze: 15

  • ThatTonybo

    Mentioning in embeds work. It's your client not having the user/channel/etc cached.

  • FRNathan13

    Don't make sense, if you need mention user/roles or everyone use mention in message content not in embed :V

  • Longeh

    I wish to use embeds like this for my announcements my bot makes, it looks cleaner. Only downside is you cannot use mentions within the embeds.

  • FRNathan13

    Discord accept both in same message, Embeds and Raw Text.

    You can mention all roles/users in Message Content to notify they.


    Example: In raw text i mentioned my.


    In embed (Mention user in content and write anything in embed):

  • Longeh

    You may well be able to do that, and I appreciate you trying to help.
    But, this site if for suggestions. I've made this for a suggestion to try and improve discord. 

  • Frosty
    Yes please!
  • Unactive

    The fact that mentions in Embeds do not ping is helping other bot makers

  • H£ROツ

    how can i mention in message content .i mean what should i write . because if i only write @everyone it doesn't mention ..

  • Bandit_Koala

    If you want to mention someone in an embed via a bot, append to the description:


    If you want to mention a channel, append to the description:


    If you want to mention a role, append to the description:


  • INFERNO¹²¹

    How to mention a role


  • Bandit_Koala

    Added to previous post

  • boodash

    Bandit_Koala, the role one didn't work for me

  • mrRootLog

    In this scenario I need exactly this feature please take this into consideration.


    I need to tag 20 users in an embed so that these 20 members won't get notified and other members can click on these mentions and have a look at their profiles. The feature works fine in the desktop app, however, it shows invalid-user in the mobile app. As I explained, I can't use plain tagging as this will cause 20 members to get notified every time the command is run. I can also not display just their name without mentioning them as this way other users can't tag click on the name and have a look at their profile. Is there any way I can solve this problem? Thanks

    https://shrt-url.ml/mmLbLK - Mobile

    https://shrt-url.ml/EumhTR - Desktop

  • RedSparr0w


    If you just create a normal message instead of an embed, with something like 'loading...' in it to begin with, then edit it to tag the users, they will show up on mobile and they will not be notified.

    Not as pretty as an embed, but at least it works..

  • mrRootLog

    Thanks will definitely try it out


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