We want regional nitro prices!



Komentarze: 90

  • Renesi

    Discord shop will receive more money from Russians (and cis countries too) if it will have regional prices.
    Explains: if game cost 3.200 almost no one will buy it. If game cost 2000 people will be able to buy it. So for store will be better to realize game for 2k rubles and get these 2k rubles, becouse if game costs 3.2k rubles no one (or almost no one) will buy it.
    So store will have much more resultative profit in this region if there will be regional prices.

    Most of civilian Russians (sadly) have only 18-25 kilo rubles per month, 50% of these money goes to communal payment (electricy, water, gas, etc), some money for food. Some money for transport. So "free amount of money" what people can have is very small, so people just WILL NOT BUY anything that costs TOO much, and will prefer just another platform, which one gives us a better price.
    And not. This is not whining fow "we are lazy, we have small payment", no. Sadly, but social politic in cis countries is just almost anti-social, becouse MOST of civilians have 18-20k per month, but politicians have 150-200k. Think about it.

    Sorry for bad English, I'm not using Google translate becouse if I will use it, the result will be even worse :D
    Thank you.

  • Ceylin

    I agree.

    For someone living in Turkey I find it more sensible to pay for netflix and spotify subscriptions combined since they have regional pricing and give out more content for what I pay, I would love to support discord and I use their services, but it makes it harder for them to make money and us Turks (or any other countries that are struggling to pay 9.99$) to support since I do not see anybody around me paying that much even though they want to help and love this app.

  • Tixelpip

     I just want it in £ lol, converting it is a pain, especially with fluctuating conversion rates.

  • Frosty
  • _Lucifer

    Well I pretty sure that nitro is properly priced like all others since it doesn't need different prices in different nations.

  • LockDzn

    Apoio muito!

  • Lari

    Apoio também, até porque não estou conseguindo comprar pelo paypal ou cartão normal e não tem outras maneira...

  • Mermaid

    É importante também adicionar que ao comprarmos em dólar existem taxas como o IOF que irão recair sobre essa compra, então uma transação que deveria, hoje, custar por volta dos 40 reais pode sair quase 50 reais por conta dessas taxas e cobranças.

    O ideal seria fazer como em lojas de aplicativos (Play Store) em que dólar é congelado num valor - alterado de tempos em tempos - e os preços fixados nesse valor e aplicados em reais, assim a compra é dada como nacional e sai mais em conta, estimulando novos usuários.



    EN version

    A friend of mine made a suggestion of a fixed price for Nitro in Brazil, since the currencies flunctuation can make a product more expensive than previously thought by the user. As well as bank and transfer fees that might be applied.

    I suggested that Discord would do like Play Store, which freezes the dolar/insert here any currency you like values therefore allowing for prices to be consistent. This also helps to make the transaction a national one, avoinding the international fees that come with that sort of action.

    I'm not sure if the prices are ok with the currency's value, at least in Brazil was ok for Nitro Classic on the monthly option. But Discord could - and must - review its prices policies if it wants do grow and compete with other game-offering plataforms.

  • avastzera

    I would like to request a price for the Brazilian currency (Real) because of the fees to be paid to convert to the dollar. $ 9.99 = R$ 39.00. These values are absurd

  • Commander Ninjutsu

    PS. Please, Make this text Gramarly Enable Extension, forus out of US can talk with few or without errors of grammar.



  • thetechguy
    yeah currencies should show based on your location or country
  • thetechguy
    agreed. we need this.
  • Apoiado, tragam o discord nitro para o Brasil pelo Real

  • beaku

    Would love for Discord have regional prices. Nitro monthly costs me around 350 INR a month, which isn't too much but takes a toll as a subscription. I am not an expert on economics and demographics but I do believe that having a single price for everyone is hugely unfair and representative of Discord's wishes to let the people in countries with stronger currencies have it easy. Purachsing Power should definitely be taken into account. I'm not really sure how Steam does it (and obviously their model is different from Discord), but regional pricing is definitely worth experimenting with, at the very least.

  • Joedaww


    Here, in Turkey, the 9.99 monthly Discord Nitro plan would be 56 TRY. 

    That price is absurd. 

    We need regional prices.

  • Mermaid

    Sorry, but that isn't true. If a game is 60 dollars, for example, without regional price it can cost up to 4.5x that amount plus fees. While with regional prices the game costs about 3x that without fees for international transactions.

    Also I use steam and all prices are regional, indie games or not.

  • beaku

    Don't you think that regional pricing exists for the exact opposite reason? The whole point is to ensure that everyone pays price equitably. Having a flat 60$ price is the most unequal thing you can do when you're selling internationally. An average American can probably afford 60$ games but that's weekly income for entire families in some countries. I understand that the company's home country might have effect on their income and thus they can't sell cheaply in cheaper countries with a direct PPP conversion: but they can (and do) certainly factor that in their pricing.
    If price ends up rising in some countries, its because they can afford it and they're some of the richest countries in the world. Fixed prices based on USD simply limit their customers to those rich countries. If done properly, regional pricing can end up attracting more customers in weak currency countries and have an overall effect of increasing Discord's income thus removing the need to increase prices in rich countries altogether.
    Unlike Steam, Discord just has to sell one product so it should be comparatively easier to do. With a game you have multiple variables which determine how many people will be attracted by it regardless of price, how many are willing to buy at what price, etc etc. Nitro is just a single package with same features everywhere so it is a relatively easier formula to crack. I don't claim to be an expert, but hey, I think it's worth a shot.

  • Rippy™ (Stressed)
    I 100% agree with this, everyone should have a way to be able to support discord with nitro by making it affordable and relevant to the region
  • Kinosune

    We need our own currencies!

  • Eddie Kaspbrak

    Yes, indeed regional pricing should be done to Turkey


    Fixing a dollar to 3TRY would be awesome! We can buy Nitro Classic for 15TRY, that sounds lovely.

  • RedS

    Yea, fixing dolar to 3TRY can be good.

  • kutay55

    It sounds great! I live in Turkey too but Nitro's are very expensive and you know our economy is very bad.

  • quantum.

    It's too right point

  • ★ Ulus.exe

    Yea, fixing dolar to 3TRY can be good.

    Reply: Sounds really good!

  • Matiz

    I love that idea. Really regional pricing should be done, we have to pay extra money. ^^

  • Forever.


  • Toasty

    Pricing is not meant to be consistent for all countries, there are more than 20+ countries using Discord, it would be tough to re-change the amount while following the currency. There is one amount applied for whole system: 10$ and 5$. I completely disagree with that opinion since every country has their own economic property.

    My view opinion is that its not Discord's business to change Nitro amount for a specific country's economic condition. Thats why taxes are applied for the Nitro if you are living foreign.
    Discord just puts a static amount for whole countries and they dont opt to change the amount if the country has a bad economy.

    To sum up, as I stated and mentioned before, its more appropriate to just have a dedicated amount for every nation/user. 

  • кα∂ιя

    Yes, indeed regional pricing should be done to Turkey

  • eren

    I like this idea. If you lower the price I can support you more. ^-^


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