Displaying Discord Notifcations on the Phone and the Computer at the same time.
Alright, so this a random but possibly helpful thought: could the next update possibly add the ability to make notifications display on my computer and my phone at the same time, cause I most often have my computer and my phone discord activated at the same time as I typically play with the sound off on my computer, and when I do, I typically don't hear the notification sound, but I do have my phone on me at all times usually hooked to my headphones, so I can hear notifications most of the time. However, having the app on the computer overrides receiving notifications on my phones version of it. I would like to ask is it possible to have a switch for people who do what I do when it comes to discord that allows them to receive notifications on their devices, even if the computer app is opened.
I second that. My friends and I just decided to ditch Skype because it's constantly buggy, and move to discord. But then we realized notification were not pushed to our phones. Then I found out that it was done on purpose? It's unfortunate..
I leave my PC online all the time, and take just my phone with me. I do not get Badges on the app icon. Even if everything is turned on.. do I have to fully close Discord every time I get up to go somewhere?I found that the option says: send push after 10mins AFK. That would be great, but it seems like it doesn't work.
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Yes, i second that too
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Yes we need this to be fixed!
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I'd also like to add a request for this to be tweakable. I would like to have alerts on my phone when a PC-Discord is running.
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Adding another comment because this is SO FRUSTRATING. I don't have the Discord app open on my computer, and my computer's notifs are on silent because I'm using it to study. Would like to know when friends send me messages on my PHONE.
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I would like to have alerts on my phone when a PC-Discord is running.
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I know this is an older post but I would love this as well. Some full screen games don't let you see discord notifications so I would love the option to get them on my phone at the same time.
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Man seeing this is a year old and having the same problem right now is quite depressing... one day...
12 -
i dont understand why discord stubbornly wont fix this, no other messaging app acts this way. its expected behavior!
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Same as the comment above. This is a year-old thread that still has not been addressed by Discord. Why is this still not a thing when the coding for it actually isn't that complex? If Microsoft can manage it, you would think Discord could, too.
Please at least respond to your base rather than ignoring repeated requests for a function.
To anyone who follows this thread, please encourage others to comment and upvote. Perhaps Discord will take note with more participation.11 -
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yes please, my pc is always on but i need the notifications when im not on it
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Replying to this a year old thread, this is a really important issue, to not get notifications of an important message on the handy device.
Not sure why there is no response for this from the support team.10 -
yes please, my pc is always on but i need the notifications when im not on it
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Is this still in the works?
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I'll agree with that. This is very annoying. Heck, Discord ain't even open on my computer, and I'm still getting notifications on there as opposed to my phone.
Quick Edit:
Ah heck, didn't realize it was a "feature" to avoid notifications on phone. I mean, I understand not wanting to get bombarded by notifications on your phone when you're not using Discord, but this is going too far in the other direction innit?
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That would be super great !
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Yeah, at least give us the option like Slack and other softwares etc
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I agree that we need an option like this because my computer is also always left on, but doesn't mean that I'm always at my computer
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+1 for this. It would be nice to have more options for this. PC inactivity is fine to 'move' your notifications when you're not around. But if you're playing a game and want to see your notifications on the phone rather than having to switch windows, it would be nice to have a 'mirror all notifications to mobile' option.
Thanks xavier for that tool. Helped me find out the Razer device that was causing the inputs. I probably could have just unplugged it and waited but it was nice to get a more instant confirmation.
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Not having a mobile notification while the desktop app is running causing me a headache as often I'm off with my phone but leaving computer on my desk running so I'm without any notifications all day...
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For those who don't get notifications regardless of how long they are away from their computers:
I have done some research and found that phantom inputs are to blame.
If you are on Windows, I wrote a program to help you identify what causes it. Simply follow the instructions listed on the page and enjoy! https://github.com/xaviergmail/DiscordNotificationDebug
For non-windows users, try unplugging all unnecessary peripherals until you find the culprit.
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Once again resurrecting an age old thread to demand discord implement this: lack of simultaneous notifications isn’t a boon, it’s a curse.
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Meh, really not resolved after 2 years????? +1...
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Not only does it not give you the notifications on your phone when you have the PC app open, it will push all the unread notifications to your phone after you quit out the PC app.
Please add an option to have notifications appear on both the phone and PC at the same time.
Thank you!
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Nothing more frustrating then having a "want to play" message notification from a friend pop on mobile 2 hours after it was sent... Please add support for simultaneous notifications. 🙏
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i just cant believe this still has not been implemented after so many years of waiting and requests. Surely it can't be that hard to figure out.. has anyone from Discord support team ever commented on this?
I have discord on so many devices.. home PC, work PC, and 3 mobile devices. If all the PC apps are closed, then I will get notification on all of my mobile devices. But of course, as we all know, if you have one PC with the app open, no mobile device will receive a notification. On the contrary, if I receive an email while Gmail is open in my PC web browser, I get an alert on PC and alkso get the same thing on mobile. So clearly it is possible, and I'm sure there are many other apps/programs that deliver notifications across all devices.. Discord, for all the great things theyve done over the years, still fails to address this. It's perplexing
Please fix/implement this. It is LONG overdue
4 -
this is so annoying :)
setting afk to 1min doesn't work either. Wish we had the option to just recieve notifications like normal apps
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