Searching all Direct messages
Dont know if there is such topic...
I really need a way to search for a word in all Direct messages, to find the user I discussed it with!
So far I can see search is possible only on single chat windows...
Thank you
i could find my first discord friend with this, discord please help men :(
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I would LOVE this feature.. as Discord removed a user from my DM list... the user isn't a server I'm in anymore and we'Ve never added each other as friend before.
We talked about a writeup for something and they submitted it to using discord, since I never saved them anywhere and Discord somehow removed that user from my DM, if I could search in all the DM I ever had, I would quickly be able to find the information I'm seeking.
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We absolutely need that feature.
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I really need this feature to find some old friends ;-;
I wish it could be added someday soon.2 -
Adding a keyword search feature would be so helpful. When you have lots of DM and are trying to find a specific one. Please add this feature.
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Would be extremely handy. I get PMs from many different users, I cannot find the relevant stuff anymore.
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2 years and this is still not a feature? This would be soooo useful I can't believe it's not been at least looked at and something implemented yet. All the other products in the same space as Discord offer this.
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Yes!!! Bumping this! I need this so badly so many people I've become acquainted with but can't find my DMs with then please add this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Discord...... please
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2 years and still not added
kinda dissapointing to know that i'll not find my first friends in discord
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oh my god please add this feature, I got my account wiped on a game i played, and i can restore it
I just need proof and i have the proof, everytime i got something new i would send it to my old friend with a screenshot, BUT I CANT FIND HIM, i am very desperate for the feature, or somebody could make a betterDiscord plugin for it1 -
Giving this another bump!
this would be great for moderators too when looking for a previous user that started a conversation in DMs instead of the proper channels in the server
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I was looking for this feature today while buying cars in a roleplay server. Just want to know who DMed me about a certain car, but I have to sift through each person individually.
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By not having this makes Discord basically not usable in a business sense. Knowing you had mentioned something to a customer in the past but Discord is so lazy it makes it hours of work just to find the conversation. I can't believe how popular Discord is but how it lacks so many basic important features, maybe Micorsoft will make a better Discord clone and include real search capability for professionals and serious gamers.
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Super important, I really hope we get this.
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I keep trying to figure out how to do this.
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@grant There already is a discord for work. It's called Slack and it works great, and yes, you can search all messages and channels for a keyword or phrase.
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There's also Mattermost, but that's beside the point. For some, Discord is an essential part of their work.
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I would really appreciate if discord adds this feature.
Would even pay for nitro to get this.1 -
please can we have this feature, pretty please, with sugar on top.
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Voting up. Would love to see this.
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Cmon Discord. This would be a REALLY good feature. I'm doing everything for searching a message in my DMs that I know it's still there. Pleaseee
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So far all I know is that this is possible on the Mobile App. Is it possible on the desktop app too?
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Thanks Pio Stephanie, didn't know you could do it on the mobile app.
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It would be great if this feature be added on the desktop app as well… For some users it may be more feasible to use it on their computer at times when their phone is busy with something else.
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