Houses HypeSquad Mini-Game
Already I announce that it will be a long suggestion.
As you know (surely) there are several types of HypeSquad houses, and I thought to myself: why not use these houses?
From there, comes my wonderful idea to create a kind of mini-game in Discord!
That's how I see things (Of course this is only my opinion, I'm ready to hear every review.):
As soon as we create a role (the first time): we receive 10XP.
As soon as we give a role (the first time): we receive 10XP.
As soon as we create a salon (the first time): we receive 10XP.
As soon as we update the moderation parameters (the first time): we receive 10XP.
As soon as we update the server settings (the first time): we receive 10XP.
And so on...
Then, to use HypeSquad houses ...
Imagine creating a mini fighting game:
Houses can compete with each other (Balance attack Bravery & Brilliance, and so on ...).
Whenever a member of a house attacks a member of another house, a fight begins.
[Let's say that each person has a weapon; player A of a gold pickaxe, player B of a copper bow and the pickaxe beats the bow.]
Player A defeats Player B.
Player B loses 10XP.
In these 10XP's, 5 return to the Hype house and 5 to the player who beat him.
The home with the most XP becomes the dominant home and the goal of other homes is to be home with the most XP.
We will define that the minimum XP is 10.
Each player / user is free to register or not to play.
The game could be accessible in another interface in Discord.
This is just the beginning of an idea but I think it can be promising.
Happy smile!
pourquoi pas sa serait drole!!!!
2 -
Souns epic. We need to go further with Discord
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