Discord Merch Store
Bring back the Discord Merch Store.
Merch Store Blog Post: https://blog.discord.com/discord-swag-shop-is-live-316651ae3482
Discord had a merch store of which was accessed via https://merch.discordapp.com/.
Bring back T-Shirts, Hoodies, Socks and maybe this time also a cute Wumpus Plushie and many more items for us to rep Discord in person.
I myself and am sure many others have enjoyed the platform of Discord for many of years now, or to some a few days or months. From first joining back in 2015 and seeing the growth of it over the years, many of us I'm sure have wanted a tangible item of Discord Merch over only just our flashy emotes and badges virtually. With the growth of Discord i am sure majority of people would want to get their hands back on some of these items.
We have had false hope throughout the years of fake Reddit posts, hints that there may be restocks to the now dreaded 404 page on the visit to https://merch.discordapp.com/
This post is made to bring more awareness to what we use to have back in the earlier days of Discord.
Hopefully striking the interests of the community to showing a positive feedback to bringing this back in the coming future. Would we be able to work together and have an official date of release?
With COVID-19 still in massive affect on this world we live in, their is plenty of reasons of the plausibility to
carrying this out during this period. But what i do ask is that Discord becomes more transparent with this.
The experiences of which i have taken with Discord and all of the opportunities that i have had means a great deal to me. From meeting friends of who i have grown close with, relationships and friendships that have formed and the ability to travel to the other side of the world for events and to meet those I've met on the platform. It has been a staple to my everyday life for the past going on 5 years.
I don't want to waste all of your time so will keep this short.
Would appreciate that those who read this to leave a comment of your experience or if you have interest in purchasing merch if it does become available again.
Liking and sharing this post is greatly appreciated.
Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/etdfl5/the_discord_merch_store_has_an_error/fgf71d5/
A user back on the 25th of January 2020 by the reddit username of "u/tomasspvarela" made a post noting that Discord had an error on visiting the https://merch.discordapp.com/ website.
Software Engineer "u/notnotnight" replied:
"We took down the merch store while we retune it. It will be back in the future."
This threat of comments continued with users adding "Its been X months" and so forth each month since as it was noted only a month later by the comment of "u/notnotnight" that it would be coming back "soon™️".
A lot of people of who throughout the years have wanted a way to obtain some of this now seen as hard to come by apparel. Ability to buy things ranging from socks, beanies, hats, hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts and scarfs. May have missed a few things but was your full fledged "Way to support Discord" other than just through now only Nitro, Boosting or Stickers. Rest in Peace the Game Library Tab.
Pulled together a few images found across the internet of what was originally on the Discord Merch Website
Full Image Album of the Discord Store: https://imgur.com/gallery/7u1CJVk
Discord Merch Tweets Image Links:
I want to make discord rich
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+1 Please bring this back!
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I want a cute wumpus plushie >_<
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guys i was here
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Bring them back please 🥺
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Yes ;D
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I would love to buy some Discord Merch. Bring it back!
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Yes please!
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Hmmm.......... Shall I make a ""Discord Merch"" website for real orders and products((SERIOUSLY I CAN DO IT IF I WANT TO))
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Well good news it is coming!
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Yeah, i want them back 🥺
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