Ideas For Pins (Enamel Pins not on Discord pins)
So there was a tweet earlier asking for suggestions for pins for events etc, so here I am to list a bunch of ideas, because I love the pins and I have nothing better to do with my Monday night / Tuesday morning. I may potentially add to this when I wake up, but yeah.
Seasonal Pins.
Discord could have pins for the most popular holidays, which are generally all times that people spend a lot of money, so it would make sense to release pins around then.
Halloween - Sucks that Halloween has just passed, but what sucks more is that the Halloween wumpus design wasn't used for anything :( Pls give some love and make into a pin <3
Christmas - A tree with eyes? A snowflake with eyes? Basically just something snowy or wintery but given eyes.
Easter - Maybe an Easter egg? I'm thinking not a bunny since that's the obvious thing to do, so maybe a chick? A chick doing a trick, that's the one, a magical chick doing a trick. Y'know what I mean, something Easter related but not a bunny.
Discord Anniversary - Not sure why I'm throwing this in with seasonal, but I suppose it happens once a year, and that's probably a good enough reason.. anyway. For Discord's anniversary, there could also be a special pin release, maybe like a bucket of blurple paint spilling out?
Official Server Related Pins.
HypeSquad - Obviously there's already a pin with the HypeSquad icon, but looking through the server emotes I see a hella cute hypesquid that isn't used for anything, and a key that's always confused me as to it's actual purpose.
Bug Hunters - Yes, there are already bug hunter pins, but not one of the net, and a few other things like godforsaken safety jim, and maybe a toolkit, but since bug hunters *ahem* already have a pin, maybe they don't need another.
Custodians - A broom, a vacuum, or a book. Any of them will do to be honest.
Developers - Rip Discord Developers, maybe in very very late honour of the server, since it's become somewhat of a meme/talking point lately, a pin could be in some way related to the server? A couple of cogs like in the icon? I literally don't know what else, just a little homage.
Dumb Ideas That Are Almost Memes But Not Really (more commonly referred to as DITAAMBNR)
Banana - Please just give the people what they want.
OwO - w-what's this?? A Discord pin??
Egg - Egg.
Ideas I Had That Don't Fit Into A Category
Notification - Just the normal notification of a number on a red background that you'd get if you're lucky enough to get a ping.
@everyone - A light blue @everyone with a yellow background? Not even sure if this is possible but it would be really cool.
Japan Pin - Discord is pretty big in Japan I think, so maybe a pin just to go along with that? Initial thoughts would be like a Cherry Blossom, I know literally nothing about Japan at all so maybe someone more cultured than me can come up with something better.
Collabs - Obviously Discord tweet a lot back and forth with companies like DiGiorno, some kind of a collab on a pizza pin would be really cool. Other companies could be the same, but that's the one that stuck out to me.
A Light Switch - Because of the whole light theme dark theme thing? Throw some eyes on it and it'll look great, trust me, it'll be hilarious and everyone will love it.
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