Steam URI links no longer supported?


22 comentários

  • randallFlagg

    Very useful indeed, please bring the feature back.

  • salmawisoky

    Copy Link is missing yeah (Steam Client, regular mode only)
    it used to be everywhere but then at some point it just broke, slowly less and less pages seemed to... still have it. xd Drift Boss

  • Steve Jobs

    Agree, it was very useful to effortlessly lauch a game and join party with a single click on a steam:// URL. I hope this is fixed soon.

  • Datagram

    The community I run completely depends on steam:// links for coordinating our events. Definitely hope this wasn't intentional.

  • zhenjamax

    My community depends on steam:// URL protocol links to join Civilization VI lobby. I hope it will be fixed soon.

    If Discord Bots could use custom URL protocol for Link Button then it could be another solution for me.

  • worMatty

    For a platform which started life as a gaming-centric one, not making steam URLs clickable is a bizarre design decision if indeed it is intentional.

    Even if the URL is fully plain text and just formatted into a hyperlink it's so convenient for launching straight into a game. As it stands, being required to copy and paste the link is a barrier to community involvement!

    Feels like we're taking one step forward and two steps back at the moment! Come on, Discord!

  • Drayan

    There is still hope! Update from Discord Support:

    Just to give you a heads up, this issue is known and on our team's radar. We are currently investigating this further and working on a fix.
    Note: Our support team does not have an exact ETA for when a solution will be available, and we won't be able to provide any status updates on this specific bug.

  • zelish

    And I am perfectly content with that. It showcases their disconnect with the community and that they would rather ignore issues and make them worse than fix them and satisfy their sites check more here

  • Mutafiq

    As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Steam URI links are still supported by the Steam platform. Steam URI links allow users to launch games or perform specific actions within the Steam client or web browser by clicking on a hyperlink. However, it's possible that there have been changes or updates to the Steam platform since then that could affect the functionality of Steam URI links. I recommend checking the official Steam documentation or contacting Steam support for the most up-to-date information on this topic.

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  • Mutafiq

    As of September 2021, Steam URI links were supported by the Steam platform. These links enabled users to launch games or perform specific actions within the Steam client or web browser by clicking on a hyperlink. However, it is important to note that changes or updates to the Steam platform may have occurred since then, potentially impacting the functionality of Steam URI links. To obtain the most current information on this topic, I suggest referring to the official Steam documentation or contacting Steam support.

    Read Also:  NSFAS Application 2023

  • sam

    Copy Link is missing yeah (Steam Client, regular mode only).I hope this is fixed soon.Steam URI joins were upheld by the Steam stage. These connections empowered clients to send off games or perform explicit activities inside the Steam client or internet browser by tapping on a hyperlink. Nonetheless, it means quite a bit to take note of that changes or updates to the Steam stage might have happened from that point forward, possibly influencing the usefulness of Steam URI joins. To get the latest data on this point, I propose alluding to the authority Steam documentation or reaching Steam support

    Also read: lpb.wifi/index.php

  • worMatty

    All of the above messages with links have been posted by advertisers or scammers. Please disregard them. Discord seems to have no way to report these accounts and have not responded to me on Twitter. I am disappointed. 

  • Abubakar omar

    This was a great read and it really broadened what I already know. I recommend that you read this more on Coinvest NSFAS to further help you understand.

  • sam

    If the issue persists after updating Discord, you can reach out to Discord's support team or community forums for assistance. They may be able to provide more information on any recent changes related to steam:// URLs or offer a solution.

  • Willy Star

    There is a redirect website so anyone can use it to connect from discord to steam. 
    instead of using "steam : // connect" use " https : // connectsteam . me /?" plus IP or DNS + port. kveez

  • karina Cooper

    You Should try using a redirect website because it can be used by anyone to connect through lpb piso wifi pause time login for discord to steam.


  • sandip sagar

    It seems that Steam URI links are no longer supported by Discord. According to a post on the Discord Support website, Steam URI links allow users to launch games or perform specific actions within the Steam client or web browser by clicking on a hyperlink. However, as of May 2023, these links no longer work on Discord. A post on Reddit suggests that Discord may have removed support for all protocols besides http:// or https:// and discord:// for security reasons. It is unclear if there is a setting to re-enable Steam URI links on Discord. Udeshya

  • Arthur Squire

    If the issue persists after updating Discord, you can reach out to Discord's support team or community forums for assistance. They may be able to provide more information on any recent changes related to steam:// URLs or offer a solution.

  • rasmita khadka

    Discord appears to have discontinued support for Steam URI links. Previously, these links allowed users to directly launch games or execute specific actions within the Steam client or web browser by simply clicking on a hyperlink. However, starting from May 2023, these links ceased to function on Discord. Speculation from a Reddit post implies that Discord might have removed support for all protocols except for http://, https://, and discord://, potentially for security purposes. Currently, it remains uncertain whether there exists a setting to reactivate Steam URI links within Discord.  TheBipinBlog

  • Mason Robert

    Copy Link is missing yeah (Steam Client, regular mode only) it used to be everywhere but then at some point it just broke, slowly less and less pages seemed to... still have it. xd mp3 juice

  • Mason Robert

    If the issue persists after updating Discord, you can reach out to Discord's support team or community forums for assistance. They may be able to provide more information on any recent changes related to steam:// URLs or offer a solution tubidy.

  • Anna

    Discord definitely used to handle Steam links! Just noticed after a restart that clicking them isn't working anymore. You can also check sassa status on it.


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