Account falsely disabled for being "underaged" (SECOND TIME)


4 comentários

  • Mochi

    Honestly, I agree with you. Based off everything I've seen, Discord only cares about what has been reported, not the context. If possible, try to show Discord the screenshots of you proving your age for the first time, and doing it again for the second time. I think it's completely outrageous how you could get your account disabled for something you proved was false.

  • oh

    Hey Mochi, I actually did gave them the ticket where I first verified my age, and they finally unlocked my account a few days ago with just 10 days to spare before my account would be permanently deleted. They do need to work on their support and fix this problem I agree. Thanks for the help! 

  • Mochi

    Haha, I wouldn't say I helped… but thank you!! I'm glad you were able to get your account back, I'd cry if mine were banned unfairly 😭.

  • Micahroando

    My account has been disabled again without any new incidents or reasons provided. Despite submitting multiple appeals and providing accurate information, the responses claim my information is incorrect. I currently have an open ticket (ID: 44807896) that hasn't received a response in two days, and I'm concerned because my goldendoodlehub account is set to be permanently deleted in 12 days. 


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