My tickets was repeatedly marking it as solved.


6 comentários

  • lewismcglade

    I am also having the same issue, I have paid for discord nitro for years and not going to lie, I would expect a lot better. Keep marking it as “solved” when it is far FAR FAR from it"

  • Windows ColorFul

    Yea, I submit over 30+ tickets within 2 months and I didn't get a successful response, I kinda feel like I'm being left out but I know I am not alone because tons of people are struggling to get their account back and a small percent of people got their accounts back, honestly it wasn't fair for me because I never got a successful response.

    I'm not mad, I'm just annoyed and hopeless. ☹️

  • Giangood17

    I had the same issue, at the first tickets I was stupid and only putting out something like “I want to revert my email” only. And 2 months later I'm still in this boat, discord please do something 

  • Windows ColorFul


    I feel bad for you and the others who failed to get the account back.

  • Windows ColorFul

    I found out, your tickets may be repeatedly marked solved because:

  • Makara Furusawa

    Hi, I just got my account back on August 2 from the same scam I fell for just like you did. I got help from those posts.


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