Accessibility to channels in community server is overcomplicated.
Good day. My username is Boss Pasta, and I run a small gaming community server called “Pasta's Syndicate.”
Over recent months, since the update that added the ability to “follow” server channels, members of my server are having difficulty seeing the channels that they've followed, being that they are either (a) out of order from their categories, or (b) they don't show up at all.
One example of this, was my server's Announcements channel. Nobody could properly find it, and it was getting annoying and aggravating trying to explain where it was and how to find it.
That said, I feel that having the “follow channels” features has complicated my server members' abilities to view the server in as organized a fashion as I've made it, especially given that I've already arranged roles for channel category access based on what games said members play, so that they don't see channels that don't pertain to them - cause there's 40 or so channels.
I'm hoping that I'm not the only one experiencing this lately, and that a number of users agree.
"Boss Pasta"
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