Manual Sticker and Emote Ordering
Allow manual ordering of stickers and emotes in a server by those with the “Manage Expressions” permission. Also, allow this feature for personal use via the “favorited emotes and stickers” feature.
How Discord functions currently
Currently within servers, emotes are organized alphabetically and stickers are organized by upload date. For users, favorited emotes are organized by the order in which you favorited them.
Why suggestion is necessary
The current organization of emotes and stickers poses some obvious issues, making the Discord experience frustrating and clunky. Making it so I can manually change the order stickers and emotes would make the Discord experience much easier, and would make flat-out make emotes and stickers more fun to use.
Issues for Server Emote usage
With the current organization of emotes being alphabetical, sometimes servers need to create obtuse naming conventions to emotes to make them fit a specific order. This is unneedingly tedious and time-consuming for people who want to create a fun and approachable emote list for their users to use. I personally have had to adopt some odd naming conventions, like adding a number to the start of an emote name, to help determine its order within the server.
By being able to order server emotes manually (for those with the “Manage Expressions” permission), one would be able to order emotes in a number of ways, which can allow one to group popular emotes further to the front of the emote list and group similar types of emotes together. This would make sorting emotes easy, approachable, and honestly pretty fun.
Issues for Server Sticker usage
Currently, stickers are presented via their upload order within a server. This is extremely frustrating, because I have had to remove nearly all the stickers from a server I help run to reorder them. Again, the word that comes to mind here is tedious.
By being able to order server stickers manually (for those with the “Manage Expressions” permission), one would be able to order stickers like I previously noted with emotes, accounting for factors such as sticker popularity and grouping similar stickers together, all without having to delete a bunch of stickers and add them back to the server.
Issues for Favorited Emote/Sticker usage
Favorited stickers and emotes are currently organized by the order in which you favorited them. As one would join servers and favorite different emotes, accumulating more and more to their personal roster, they’d have a variety, with some they prefer more than others.
If one would like to reorganize their list, though, they would have physically plan out what emote order they’d like, remove all their favorited stickers and emotes, then add them all back again. As someone who actually really LIKES setting up stuff in Discord, from organizing channels to onboarding, dealing with my favorited section is one of the things on Discord I explicitly despise doing.
If I were to be able to reorder my favorites manually, though, that would be a godsend, allowing me to accumulate emotes and stickers at my own pace and organizing them in favorites to suit my needs.
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