Allow muting notifications by role



154 comentários

  • Comentário oficial

    We've just added this feature! You can access this menu by right clicking your server → Notification settings → Server Notification settings

    More details in this FAQ:

  • Delande

    Yes please ... @role mentions are driving me nuts sometimes -.-

  • Kamirose

    This is my #1 request right now... @role mentions are the most obnoxious thing on discord IMO.

  • greenroc

    I agree, I added my vote.

    A server I am in has been @ my role a lot more the last week or so. They do this when taking the group's game offline, and another mention when bringing the game back online.

    I been getting red numbers like 2 to 4 times a day from them. Today, I asked them not to mention roles (I only want red numbers when it is a direct message) but they wont stop because they need others with my roles to be pinged, and the only option they said was to remove me from the role (which I want to have that role in order to see info about the game we're playing).

    I am just one person in a large group, and as far as I know, I am the only one in that group who wishes not to see red numbers for game-related communication.

    I have both the server and that channel with the role mentions muted, but I still get notified with the red numbers.

    I want an option on my end, under my control, to be able to mute role mentions.


    Please.  I am part of a server where they make frequent announcements by role, and everyone in the server has a role based on which games they are active in, like @overwatch or @seige for example.  The roles are used by the server admins for administration and I cannot use the server but be removed from all roles.

    I am not super active in the community and don't care about all of the frequent community announcements, the constant notifications are annoying and I want more than anything to mute them.  I like joining the server periodically to join pick up games with friends, but I am on the verge of quitting the server just to escape the notifications.


    Please let me mute role mentions, there's no reason not to let me control if I want to hear about this stuff. 

  • PistachiBow

    This seems like an oversight, really needs addressing, agreed.

  • DaSpood

    Yeah, I am amazed that you can mute @everyone and @here and silence an entire server, but no matter what you do, @role can still ping you.

    Hopefuly this is added fast. One of my servers is really annoying with that.

  • Hoof Heartd

    Please add the ability to stop @role pings!

  • Hoof Heartd

    There needs to be a stop to @role mentions going through muted servers

  • Hoof Heartd

    There needs to be an option to mute @role pings just like @here pings and @everyone. Currently the only option is to leave the server or block every single person who @roles which is just not an option

  • hiccups

    Yeah. I have a lot of servers and there are a lot of roles. If somebody would be a role like "Guild Wars 2 Player". All members of the role "Guild Wars 2 Player" would be pinged.

    The point is, that I like to keep the role, but I don't wanna hear or see the ping of it.

    It would be useful.

  • YouWillAlwaysBeLovedJasonGrace!

    Then maybe suggest having the role removed from you?

  • penguinairlines

    I came here because I can not comment on which was closed by Dabbit Prime as a duplicate but was actually a different issue.  I would like to see the ability for a regular user to mute certain role tagging in the notification settings.  As mentioned here, there are communities that I would like to be a part of that use @customrole to tag their custom role, rather than use @everyone or @here since custom roles are immutable, even if the entire server is muted.

  • penguinairlines

    I came here because I can not comment on which was closed by Dabbit Prime as a duplicate but was actually a different issue.  I would like to see the ability for a regular user to mute certain role tagging in the notification settings.  As mentioned here, there are communities that I would like to be a part of that use @customrole to tag their custom role, rather than use @everyone or @here since custom roles are immutable, even if the entire server is muted.

  • The Guy In Blue Goggles

    Totally agree! I would like a way to mute when someone mentions a role you belong to. I mean, like "mute @everyone and @here" but "mute specific roles", in a server that is not mine. For example, mute @htcviveowners in a VR server. The problem now is that there is absolutely no way to do that, even if you mute the full server, you still get notifications if someone mentions your role (but not is someone mentions everyone)...  it is really annoying...  Thanks!

  • The Guy In Blue Goggles

    Totally agree!
    I think here it is the same idea, so I upvoted both:


  • hiccups

    @ The Guy In Blue Goggles

    Nope. The "Server Mute" is another function. It is not the same.

  • The Guy In Blue Goggles

    I know @hiccups, but at least that functionality would mitigate this problem...  I would prefer both functionalities implemented, but I suppose the other is easier than this one...


  • Blastoise186
    This would be extremely helpful for me, since I'm in a few servers which get role ping spammed badly and I'd want to be able to disable them.
  • Blastoise186
    This would be extremely helpful for me, since I'm in a few servers which get role ping spammed badly and I'd want to be able to disable them.
  • Noctali

    Yes please, I have so many servers and some of them tend to really abuse this (and it seem that more and more servers are doing it)

  • Derec

    oh lol i meant in notification settings

  • Toast

    I've had the exact same issue and I'd love to see this implemented

  • Derec

    so yeah it gets pretty annoying

  • Keet

    It's a nice thought, but it seems 1400 votes isn't enough just yet. I yearn for the day the option to mute role mentions is added or muting a server actually mutes a server. My kingdom for a mute role mentions option!

  • hiccups

    And it happend again:
    There is an admin who gave all his 20.000 members the role "@members". And what does he do to bypass the function "supress  @everone and @here"!? He pings "members" and everyone get's a PING, no matter if you want that or if you you don't want that.

    The supress function is absolut USELESS!

  • MagX47

    This is starting to become a big issue for me, more and more people are learning that this is an annoying loophole and abusing it like they abuse the @everyone. There are some servers that require you to have a role to use it, a simple on/off toggle (like suppress @everyone and @here) but just suppress @roles would be fantastic! We still get the red marker to show a message, it just doesnt *beep* popup on screen and annoy you while gaming or streaming

  • ValheruWolf

    Agreed,  didn't realize this could get around the ability to mute a server you are in,  basically makes you have to leave a server to avoid notifications which was the point of being able to mute them.  

    Just need a step up on the mute of a generic mute text,  mute the @ everyone,  and mute any and everything including roles and @everyone pings


  • Dominionix

    Why is this still not implemented? People have been requesting it for the best part of a year.


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