Allow us to set the whole server as adults only rather than taggin all channels.
This having to label every channel as NSFW is just causing a mess. Instead allow us who run servers with a mature audience to set the whole server as NSFW or 18+.
As it is now, my server doesn't allow kids in as we want a community where everyone is an adult, works for a living and doesn't have time for all the drama etc. that comes with the younger audience servers. We're a place to come and play, talk shop, relax, be foul mouthed etc.
It'd be used a lot so you do not have to mark each individual channel as NSFW. Good suggestion overall. 3 -
This would be great if it was a true or false option. For example if a server has _any_ nsfw channels/categories the _entire_ server gets an nsfw tag and returns a Boolean to the API -5 -
This would be nice. 0 -
Yeah, the idea is good, I upvote.
0 -
Simple and good idea, i like it, upvoted 0 -
It could be based on people’s birth years! I don’t want any NSFW channels but I ALSO don’t want to be hanging around kids. Some of us are old 😂
1 -
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