A new "video" channel type, for server-wide video share



73 comentários

  • Borken_

    This would be a useful feature, at least for the servers I manage. Often times we have members in specific VoIP channels trying to communicate time-stamps of where they are in the video, a video channel would alleviate these issues and it would certainly be popular in the communities I manage. Would be very pleased to see this go through and if you need testers would be more than willing to provide feedback during its development.

  • blackvelvetXIII

    Is video also included?


  • Lazerit

    It's going to happen — in Canary, some of my voice chats now can also show video, just like DM

  • donovan_dmc

    You can screen share in a voice channel, and you can make it where only certain roles can join that channel, and I'm sure some permission disables screen share for users. 

  • lengo
    There are already ways to do this technically. You could only share the live stream link with people in a certain channel or setup voice channel permissions so only certain people can join them and then screen share.
  • CornerPin

    Is audio also included?

  • Kyusetzu

    @blackvelvetXIII Obviously is video in screenshare included
    @CornerPin Can confirm, audio works.

  • zt

    Ah yes, Discord has randomly given this feature to test to 5% of Discord guilds.

  • hexx

    You can screenshare from voice channels? Where? I don't see it lmao

  • Syrinx

    I've tried this copy and paste with that link. 
    But discord is shutting down every time I try to start up the screenshare button. 
    Does anyone have a solution for this? Or knows what the problem can be?


  • K_dog

    i want this in a server so I can fc and listen to music

  • Sam

    This would be greatly appreciated by my discord community. We hate going to other apps for this purpose

  • Eagle

    After a bit of reading I had seen that that idea is already under some sort of construction, with that being said, maybe the little mockup I made might be a good reference for design and formatting?

  • ||Jojo||
    I think that's not easy to implement but one of the features that a lot of users are missing on Discord!
  • Eagle

  • KING

    Cannot wait for this to be released, it would be immeasurably helpful for so many things across servers, and like a few other people have mentioned it would be an incredible relief not to go to other platforms for this feature. 

  • STANN.co

    Seems it's already partly implemented. Like a previous poster noted. Through developer mode.

    It wouldn't be bigger than having the voice-channel having an option for screenshare. And perhaps an accompanying Voice-channel chat option.

  • 33Sugee

    as of today I have this feature. maybe its coming soon?

  • ⠋Sewer56⣠

    Someone I'm in a voice chat with right now also got this feature.
    It shows as a box in the top right with an option to activate screen share:


    That said I'm on the public test build and she's on Stable and I've not got it.

  • galleta

    de que se puede.. se puede, es solo que todavia nose como habilitar la opcion, en algunos server me aparece y en otros no

  • alex ☿ raplayer

    This is already a thing, it's just not available in all the servers yet. (it's still in testing)

  • Marcily

    It's not a bug, some servers can share their screens and sound etc, I own one like that.

  • Warriorfoox
    There is screensharing in servers except it isn't fully implemented. The URL for screensharing in Voice Channels is discordapp.com/channels/[category id]/[channel id].
  • ☠ KinoGhoul ☠

    In experimental, can the people that participate in the screen share be restricted to certain server roles / permissions?

  • lengo
    This would be nice but I think they should perfect the current server screen sharing first.
  • Dome

    Just use https://www.discordapp.com/channels/ServerID/VoiceChannelID/ and you should be fine (works only on Desktop).

  • thetechguy
    this would be a good feature to implement
  • thetechguy
    we need this.
  • Anatomis (Perfect)
    Yeah. We need this.

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