App Bloat
Please don't make Discord something its not!
I love discord. Its popularity attributes to just how great the app is designed. Enabling gamers to communicate on so many different levels has never been more enjoyable. Discord has achieved something that other apps in the same space can only dream of emulating.
That said; As I read update after update of whats new and coming to discord I get this feeling that maybe its trying to reach too far. I've seen this happen with other apps, in different spaces. The app fills a niche, fills it so very well. Then they expand out, making it a Swiss Army knife of apps, and the original intent of the app is lost in bloat. The once light weight perfectly fitting app has become a burden of options and features I just don't need.
Please! Don't loose site of what made discord great. Please don't bury gamer communication in a sea of inconsequential features.
Thanks for your time.
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