
5 comentários

  • GoFeesh

    I can't believe this STILL isn't a thing. I want to know that there are unread messages in my servers so I don't want to mute them, but I do NOT want a noise for every single message in 40 servers. I need notifications for DMs. Please give us separate controls.

  • SDP

    How hard would it be to enable DM only notifications? Why hasn't this been done? And make it user specific - control whose DMs a Discorder gets notifications about.

  • Vortex1000


    I mean the sort of thing in the image I photoshopped

    Turning off notifications from all servers at once so it's easier as I have like 40+ servers that I am in...

  • Vortex1000

    I'm actually at 100 servers now :)

  • wiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi

    You can turn off notifications from servers.


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