Send a scheduled message [Suggestion]


32 comentários

  • ziplock9000

    No we shouldn't have to be installing bots for something that should be integrated and free

  • Elarion

    Hi ! I made a bot to send scheduled messages. You can add it to your server and control it through the following website : It allows you to send message at certain times and certain hours. 

    For instance in 3 hours, or everyday at 5pm

    If you have any question or suggestion you can go on the following discord server :

  • OneAlpha

    I'm really surprised this isn't built in. I know a lot of game server owners use Discord for those that play on their servers so a pre-scheduled announcements can be made for server maintenance, game events, updates etc would be useful to have.

    This is one of the reasons I cannot move my own game server communication and several different group communications to Discord.

    I'll just have to continue using Steam (group).

  • Xenon

    I fail to see how to send recurring reminder messages to specific channels with free bots. Reminder-bot has it restricted for patreons and the other 2 don't seem to offer it.

    Slack has a ton of community bots but simple reminders (recurring or not) are built-in :) I'm looking for that basically (or at least a free bot)

  • Lelantos

    Would love to see this implemented! Would help community affairs run for smoothly & automated.

  • PiPinecone
    So you mean like, an auto announcement?
  • Scar52

    No, we shouldn't have to be installing bots for something that should be integrated and free.


  • Mʌx

    using carl-bot but I would much prefer it be a default option +1

  • chaduos

    I agree with this suggestion! Scheduled messages would be very helpful and wouldn't require another bot being added to the server just for a simple feature.  

  • ziplock9000

    "Similar to the new Youtube Premieres function"

    Not a good example.. More like how you can schedule posts on Facebook

  • JustTheCoolest

    Or we could keep it available to all users like in emails. For example, I'm awake at 2:55am right now and thought of something I wanted to ask someone. But it doesn't seem right to tag them in the middle of the night. Scheduled messaging will be cool

  • khalid

    I agree with this idea, as it would be very helpful to have scheduled messages. Not only would it allow players to receive more messages, it would also not require the addition of a bot to the server. 

  • Liz

    Would be nice as an admin-only perm for announcements maybe. But there are bots that are able to handle things like that just fine if that's something you really need.

  • alexjohn12

    Howdy ! I made a bot to send planned messages. You can add it to your worker and control it through the accompanying site: It permits you to send message at specific occasions and certain hours.

    For example in 3 hours, or ordinarily at 5pm

    On the off chance that you have any inquiry or proposal you can go on the accompanying dissension worker :

  • Pentace

    Wohhh I thought it was easy but all guys are talking about the schedules on the time but not repeat...Can I have any discord existing in the world which is automatically repeat the schedule in discord for forever if once I set.???

  • Pentace

    Wohhh I thought it was easy but all guys are talking about the schedules on the time but not auto repeat...Can I have any discord existing in the world which automatically repeats the schedule without doing anything in discord for forever if once we set.???


    I agree with this suggestion! Scheduled messages would be very helpful and wouldn't require another bot being added to the server just for a simple feature.  

  • MrSKeetSkeet

    Adding to this suggestion/feature request.

    While bots can schedule post, I’d like to see this as a native feature. Maybe allow this with Nitro or Server Boosting?

    While the bot option works, I think this adds to the complexity of just scheduling a message to send at a time and date.

  • rosethorn

    Though as many people have mentioned, this is possible with bots, there are a few limitations to bots. For one thing, they only work in servers. You can't use them in DMs. For another, they don't send as you, they send as from the bot.

  • Muller

    Yes it is possible with bots but there are few limitations


  • jackiefonts

    Yes it is possible with bots but there are few limitations


    Bold Text Generator

  • Naira ahmed


    Yes it is possible with bots but there are few limitations Regards


    Upside down text

  • Ashbeel Khan

    Typically, scheduling messages using a bot involves using a specific command or function within the bot's interface. You may need to have administrative or moderator privileges in the server or chat where the bot is active to access scheduling features.

    If you have specific questions about how to use Carl-bot or any other bot, I recommend checking the bot's documentation or reaching out to the bot's support or community for assistance.

    For more details download related videos at YT5s

  • Talisman

    This is a cool idea also for sending personal messages.

  • stuqmhdej

    Yes it is possible with bots but there are few limitations


    Visiting Hub

  • stuqmhdej


    Yeahhh!! it is possible with bots but there are few limitations Regards

    Visiting Hub

  • jonny0000

    But it remand money and we are looking free sevices.

  • Ionut Cusca

    Elarion is it possible to send images through the bot?

  • adnankhan
    <a href="">BOT</a>
    hi everyone! i want to know how any bot can help us and with how much accurate results?
  • Ian

    You know you can make private bot for things like this. It's really simple to do. And if you're not one that's very good at coding, go to youtube. Now, if you want a free bot to do this consider inviting Carl-Bot to your server as it has an auto-feed feature that sends messages on certain dates at certain times for free. 


    Edit: If you need help setting anything up, I would be happy to help. (@Ian#9999)


    Edit 2: Before sending me a DM, invite Carl-Bot to your server and go to their support server. If you still have trouble, DM me. Just added this because I've had many people DM me and realized I said the same thing every single time.


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