More options for sorting in the game store.


10 comentários

  • purpzie

    Was just about to suggest this too. This is 100% needed

  • Ped7g

    While on it, being welcomed by any animated content is quite disturbing for me, usually I don't use SW like this, with too many UI distractions.

  • Permanently deleted user
    That would mean something like having parental controls on a account, which discord does not have, and I hope does not need to implement as the Discord TOS says, only 13 years old and above are allowed to be on this platform.
  • Stuttero
    Further to jedi3's points, Discord is required to terminate your account if your parent(s) do not give you permission to hold an account.
  • megannnjay
    I mean games rated M are for ages 17+ and with there being people between 13 & 17 on the platform, it is a fair question
  • Dawah

    If I'm not wrong, Discord's minimum age of use is 13 y/o.

  • SnufkinEnzo

    I am over 13 years old but I still don't want to see these games. 

  • Permanently deleted user

    hmmm, your right megannnjay. Just saw that.


  • Auramancer

    Additional sort/filter options that would be useful:

    - tags (gamepad support, single-player, multiplayer, genre, etc.)

    - Game last updated (helpful for seeing which games may have changed recently, esp. in relation to other stores)

    - Rating (discord # rating or user rating when/if that is released)

    - Date added to discord store (subtle but distinct from date released, helpful for us who check the store often)

  • KK

    As a start, it'd be nice if they just had a Price Filter that just separated games that are "Free".


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