Add a button to automatically that "Mark as Read" all server chat rooms



6 comentários

  • Comentário oficial
    Dabbit Prime

    This suggestion is completed with using Shift + Esc in a server.

  • Frostslayer233

    But they should also develop a dedicated button for mobile too

  • netrebnic

    All we have for the moment regarding this is Shift+ESC but it would be nice to have a dedicated option.

  • MinLo_

    Good idea, that's what I miss.

  • Slider

    Hm. But you can give a mute to particular server or a chat if you are not interested in receiving its notifications. And there is red "do not disturb" which doesnt notify you if there is a @mention of you. Isnt that the same?

  • LeOtOmAs

    You can already suppress @everyone and @here pings, and direct @you pings from server notification settings. but yes, this is a nice idea for organizing servers


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