Please don't hit me with ads.
RespondidaMultiple reasons I loved Discord are quickly changing, no advertisements and quality being top reasons.
Lately the connection quality has gone down, and me and my group have had to resort to doing a private call instead of using our server. No big deal, however with Discord Nitro and the store, advertisements are becoming inevitable. I recently updated, and have been playing WarFrame, everytime I launch the game, a block comes up telling me "want free warframe stuff? just pay $10 a month for discord nitro!" Call it minimalist or local, but that just makes me want to close discord if I play WF..
Before it gets out of hand, have an option to turn off any advertising.
Agreed, discord you are getting too greedy and you have better issues to be sorting out within your company and platform as a whole. Most nitro users feel like we are being scammed right now.
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