Friend categorisation/nicknames
I use Discord for people I meet online and people I know in real life. I, therefore, have a lot of friends on my Discord account. Right now my friend list isn't very descriptive and requires me to remember the pseudonyms of each user. A categorisation system would be nice for quickly navigating to people, and a nickname system would be great for changing pseudonyms into IRL names for people I know from IRL.
this could be really useful because we all have that one friend who changes their username every couple of days and it's really easy to lose track of who's who, and it wouldn't be too hard to implement as it would just be tied to your own account and your friends' unique IDs. steam also has this feature and it's incredibly useful
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I thought of something similar a little while ago. In addition to the "notes" thing on a profile, you could have a dedicated "name" section that you can put personal nicknames for people into, and then it would show up in bold at the front of the "AKA ______" thing next to someone's username, maybe even in the dm list too, and maybe in chat in small parentheses next to their discord name. It would also show up in the autocomplete when typing someone's name to @ them, so you wouldn't have to go back and figure out what their name is. And if course streamer mode hides all of this stuff, for privacy. I'm sure personal nicknames would be great for friends using discord to all chat together that know each other irl and not having to remember the discord name or constantly check the "notes" if you happen to have put the name in there. It would also probably be helpful for friends that only know each other through discord, because then if they interact on one server a lot and they have a nickname on that server that's different from their discord wide name you could set the "name" to that nickname and be able to remember who it is. I would find this incredibly useful, and know quite a few that would love it as well
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Friend aliases is a must have when you meet new people in-game and their nickname does not say anything to you.
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These aliases have to stay even if a friend is changing its name.
Some people are chaning their names like their underwear ... After seeing this feature in steam i renamed anyone! even if I just change the name to their nick + where I meet them first.
Something similar for discord would be awesome!
I am okay with first showing the name the user gave himself, but maybe something like a shortcut arrow/indicator on the avatar showing you have set another name for this user, showing the name while hovering on the real nick name.
But I really need to be able to change the names ... the notes are okay for now, but I don't like them.
Especally ingame it is really troublesome if a new player joins the voice channel and you cant recognize who it is ...3 -
I need this. being able to search someone by a name that I already know is so important, especially since I have friends who like to change their name often and its gets quite annoying to track them down by looking at a server we're in and using the roles that he has assigned.
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Really need this. None of my friends use their real name. Steam has had this option for years. Unbelievable to me that Discord still doesn't have it.
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Agreed. :P
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Already upvoted
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Yeah, good idea
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Excellent, my good sir. Excellent.
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Pretty great idea.
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Hell yeah! That's a great idea!
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Option to integrate with phone contact list too? Yes yes yes!
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Absolutely needed asap :)
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I am shocked how this was not implemented long time ago. Absolutely needed. People changing their server nicknames became a huge pain in the (known place). It feels like quite an easy request to fullfil which adds to my lack of understanding of how this is not a thing yet. People familiar with this feature in Steam will definitely appreciate it.
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I really need aliases - I really hope they get added sometime.
And I second that it is bad that this issue proposes 2 things. I suspect that makes it less likely to add aliases because the other part seems like much more work.
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I have forgotten who some of my friends are because of the absence of this feature.
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Great Idea for a great developer!
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It would be similar to Steam aliases.
However, if their custom ID changes (either with nitro or if they set their username to something common that other people also use), the alias would stop existing.
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For those who only need aliases:
To author: It is generally a bad idea to propose two features in one request.0 -
Yep, definitely a nice thing to have. Then I don't have manually to check notes to see who I'm talking to
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This would be especially helpful since people can display a different name on a specific server and it is very confusing having them show up with a different name in my friendlist. The ability for an alias would help me to list them with the nickname I am most familiar with.
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