Purging VERY Inactive servers
So, I know some people have some long lost servers at the bottom of their server list, and we sometimes... forget about them. It would be pretty cool if, after, say 6 months of no messages in a server, a DM would be sent to the owner saying to perform an action in the server or it would be autodeleted in 7 days. This would help free up some bandwidth and be overall convenient.
I can think of a few cases where this would be pretty annoying, mainly emoji servers. Many of them don’t have any channels for talking so they would appear to be “very inactive” 0 -
I don't think empty servers actually do all that much in terms of bad things either other than sit around existing 0 -
That just makes everything more complicated than it needs to be, also you can manually purge channels or use bots. 0 -
Discord shouldn't be doing your spring cleaning for you, may cause unintended deletions as well, as defining inactive would be difficult. I have a couple game dev servers with active projects that go inactive for weeks but we're still working on things.
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