Show all mutual friends/servers on a server
(In reply to Reg) It is needlessly cumbersome in servers with hundreds of people to check every individual profile. It would be neat and useful to see a page with all profiles that share other servers with you.
44 -
I agree with this suggestion. It would take literally years to click every user one-by-one to see their mutual servers on a popular server with 10,000+ people, or even a semi-popular server with around 1,000 people.
38 -
I know exactly what you mean. say I join a new server with 6k members, I wanna see if I know anyone there.
there should be a list that shows friends in servers as an option when right clicking on a server26 -
I also agree. I would really want to see people who have common servers than me without right clicking for each profile.
18 -
I agree. This would be very useful to me for finding exploiters.
17 -
I think that it would be great if we would see mutual friends on server when we right click the invite
17 -
totally agree, I was just about to create a post about it. Hope we get it soon.
15 -
YEAH! This is a feature that should indeed be added!!!!
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This would be great!
15 -
How in the world isn’t this a thing already wth
14 -
im begging you discord devs
14 -
so do the discord bosses just ignore these types of requests? because this should be implemented as soon as possible
13 -
This would be such a useful feature, hopefully on Discord's to-do list
12 -
this would work WONDERS for my anxiety
11 -
Being able to click a button somewhere to "Show People In Mutual Servers" would be an excellent feature for finding potential friends, or looking out for potentially malicious people.
11 -
Why does the community even exist if the devs don't read it?
10 -
This would be a great addition to discord
8 -
This needs to be a feature!
8 -
can this be a feature thanks
8 -
8 -
It should also be possible to search by what server it is etc.
7 -
defiantly would like to see this as a feature
7 -
Lets see how many more years the devs need to notice a post about a valid feature that could indeed help out many users while saving their time to find out who of their friends is on the same server without having to check the profile of every 100 or more friends.
7 -
agree! would make it far easier to join new communities to have a small landing place of those you already know
5 -
Was about to create a post about this, glad someone brought this up before. Please DEVS create this feature!
5 -
This would actually be very nice because for me, I'm gay but I'm not fully out irl so it'd be nice to be able to see if there's anyone from my school in one of the servers I say I'm gay in to be safe.
4 -
Why isn't this a thing already? I've wanted to know, countless times, if I've got any friends in a big server.
4 -
4 -
Yes... add this feature.
3 -
I too agree. This would be a very cool feature.
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41 comentários