Report pedophile


20 comentários

  • jiam

    There's a girl who asks us and insists on showing our head and doesn't want to show that head and that voice then we do it we don't know if there is a girl behind the nickname and: ~Milky | 炎#7269

  • Mr. Nobody
    there is a pedophile he tried to lure me, without success, he wanted to send me photos
    of "her" vagina and photos of "her" naked and "she" wanted to see my face,
    I have known her for about 10 minutes, her name is
    ONE OPS PRIME#4880
  • cup

    there was a guy saying weird stuff to my friend and making jokes about molesting children. please ban the guy.

    Tag : Totally Forgotten #8494

    ID : 704682175324225536

  • taking a break

    Please consider looking at this before this happens to someone else, a man on an online game is grooming kids 13-14. He's sending information thats inappropriate and is fully aware of the age and his actions. And he's basically contacting them on discord.

    Tag: KingKevinDazzling#5530

  • Spring

    There's like a pedophile on discord named DarkDianaDevilofWar#9304, and he goes and flirts with minors and other type of people, he lies at people just to make them to believe him and he is really really bad at lying, and idk how everyone keeps believing that he is a good guy. (btw he is like 36 or something)

  • There’s this guy who told me that age doesn’t matter after I told him I’m 14, and he is 23. He’s creepy and I don’t like it.

    Discord name: lunawolf37#5932

  • sznur

    ID: 373190641317838848 he sent me a 8 year old coochie

  • Axialys

    Hi, there is this pedophile that tried to lure me, he wanted to marry me and all, so I told him to wait. His name is samer#4850.  Please help me!

  • Axialyy

    Hello, please help me. I am 9 years old. There is a man who is blackmailing me and threatening to kill me. He tells me that if I don't do what he wants, he will rape me. Please help me. That's his name. Axialys#3261

  • Axialyy

    Hello, please help me. I am 9 years old. There is a man who is blackmailing me and threatening to kill me. He tells me that if I don't do what he wants, he will rape me. Please help me. That's his name. Axialys#3261

  • Axialyy

    Hello, please help me. I am 9 years old. There is a man who is blackmailing me and threatening to kill me. He tells me that if I don't do what he wants, he will rape me. Please help me. That's his name. Axialys#3261

  • Axialyy

    Hello, please help me. I am 9 years old. There is a man who is blackmailing me and threatening to kill me. He tells me that if I don't do what he wants, he will rape me. Please help me. That's his name. Axialys#3261

  • Axialyy

    Hello, please help me. I am 9 years old. There is a man who is blackmailing me and threatening to kill me. He tells me that if I don't do what he wants, he will rape me. Please help me. That's his name. Axialys#3261

  • Axialyy

    Hello, please help me. I am 9 years old. There is a man who is blackmailing me and threatening to kill me. He tells me that if I don't do what he wants, he will rape me. Please help me. That's his name. Axialys#3261

  • emmi

    this person has prostituted and is currently dating minors 

    user: MamaLucy#0908
    id: 865665882146471946

  • Kepuč

    One person kept caling me that he want me tto be his sugar daddy and that he is in love with me and one message from him freaks me out. He asked me if I am boy and I answered yes. He Said let me see and then he texted me: yout not a boy. But its wierd because I am a boy.

    User: Eesaa#8490

    P.S. please ban him.

  • May Smith

    Hello, there is this guy that wanted to date me and also sent me pictures of his d!ck. He told me to give him a picture of my pu$$y and a picture of my a$$. I ignored him but he kept texting me.

    His user: FireRed#3837

    P. S. Please ban him!

  • plautus

    i love kids. DO not ban thjese users! PLEAAAAAAAAASE :)

  • Matilde

    my friend is dating this girl from discord that has 18+ as her about me and my friend is 15
    this is there user id:1065091555834208296
    and her user is:_mrsyuki_
    please this so discussing to see i want to puke

  • CoolUkrainian🇺🇦

    I asked a person if they would like to play on my vanilla server and they tried to seduce me to lend them money and they'd send nudes in return (I'm 14)

    Please ban them!

    User: selenaavd

    Id: 981582376087982080


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