Server channel limit increase.


13 comentários

  • Georglider

    Yes, please. As I play Minecraft 100 players events, we can't play with 200 people, and that's sad

  • cksample

    I have started a Modules server to have a room for every Eurorack module and need more room. Please offer this capability. We are already at our limit.

  • Eamon is going down

    ^^ I agree with and share CKSAMPLE'S sentiments regarding channel limit increase. Please allow more channels! Thanks Team Discord!

  • Stujay

    Same — I’m with CK Sample on this. Please lift the restriction!

  • Jesper (The Modular Clubhouse)

    I second CK Sample as well.

  • Pilots and Pumas

    Here to +1 CK Sample and add that I think this makes sense in general for a lot of discord use cases where organization is important.

  • flything

    Why wouldn’t you help a guy like ck out, no brainer, please add more rooms


  • azenot007

    No, please add even more rooms for ck. His cause is truly innovative.


  • oscidigi

    I understand a baseline room limit for new servers, but as the original poster and cksample mentioned, there are certain communities where an increase to the 500 channel limit makes complete sense. Perhaps a 'request channel increase' button becomes available once a server is over X active users?

    As others have mentioned, the music community cksample is building definitely fits the use case for more channels. Please consider making this improvement, thank you.

  • Liperio

    Infinite number of channel wouldn't be possible, since there are probably trolls who will create as many channels as they can to fill Discord's database just because they can. But I agree an increase to the limit (1000 seems good) would benefit a lot of servers. I'm currently playing in a nice RP server, but the channel limit prevents some important locations to be rightfully described. We are forced to delete some cities when the players don't go there anymore. And new players, seeing as these cities don't even have channels to be played in, just assume they don't exist / are not accessible. Of all 11 countries in our fantasy world, only 5 have enough channels to be a real country. Others don't even have a capital city. More channels would help a lot. Maybe as a boost perk? It shows the users truly care about the server.

  • steffleupagus

    Make it a boosted server perk. 500 channels for unboosted, +500 per boosted level for a total of 2000 channels for a level 3 server. Please!

  • Unk

    Please, increase the channel limit. Or please increase the channel per category limit!

  • taksan

    I agree. This is a serious cap for certain use cases. We decided to use discord in our company and we wouldn't mind to pay for a boost or whatever to increase that cap to a higher value


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