Make Threads Button always visible (on mobile)


5 comentários

  • maplerosekisses🐺

    The threads button is always visible on iOS and SOME android phones, but not all. I am on a Samsung Galaxy S10e and I don't have a button to find the threads on mobile unless the channel in question has currently active threads. I complained to some friends about this in October 2021 and they sent me screenshots of their phones where the threads button was visible. Since then I've had multiple app updates, multiple phone software updates, reached out to Discord support directly, and tried the beta version...all to no avail. My sidebar still looks like this: 

    This screenshot was taken 2 days ago, March 7th, 2022. I know a number of friends with "less common" (but NOT always older) phones that still have the same problem, while my friend with a regular S10, theoretically almost the exact same phone as me, has the updated threads button. 

    Discord needs to FIX THIS!! I am in a server that uses all kinds of threads over long periods of time, but sometimes they auto-archive for inactivity, and I hate not being able to easily find them again!

  • almostsuspense

    that's already the case

  • Ricardo Ferreira

    It is the case on PC, but not on mobile (I may have been unclear in my explanation - see the picture above).

  • almostsuspense

    I know what you mean, and it is already the case on mobile as well. The thread button is just below the channel topic on the right (above the member list), next to pinned messages and other channel related buttons

  • itstonystark

    Thanks for the golden information i will share this with my community


    Tierkrematorium Albstadt


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