Redesign gg sans? + Accessibility
Like many of the people here, gg sans is causing me eyestrain. It's definitely, as has been said previous, a "sensory nightmare." I've seen plenty of posts mentioning that it's a very difficult font to read with dyslexia, that it causes migraines, etc. It seems like gg sans needs to be redesigned and tested with users suffering from a variety of issues, such as but not limited to:
- Learning/reading disorders such as dyslexia
- Cognitive conditions such as autism
- Issues with eyesight
- Neurological conditions such as migraines
Otherwise, we definitely need the ability to make our own choice of what font we use, if Discord cares about their users of all different ability levels being able to use the site.
+1 on this for sure. I didn't really understand what was happening at first. I saw that there was a new font, and about 30 seconds later I realized I was having to read everything 3 times.
I don't have any conditions you've listed and it's still very hard for me to read. I don't understand how they could make a change like this without giving users the option to at least change back to the old font. Why not just give a selection of fonts to choose from if you're going to change it at all? I can't use Discord on desktop until you do, but luckily I manage to find my phone for long enough to reply to family members and close friends. Discord mobile is a different conversation for a different thread.
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RefrigeratedTP Interesting to know that completely able bodied people are having this issue as well! I'm having a similar thing you're having, but where I keep struggling to spell words, specifically on Discord, probably because it's hard to see what letters I'm putting. It's like my brain just doesn't comprehend it the same way for some reason. So weird, especially since it's a "tiny difference," as people have been saying, but I suppose big enough for the font to cause issues for a lot of people.
EDIT: For clarity, I have issues with sensory processing and eyesight.
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I'm not a font expert by any stretch, but from what I remember in school, there's a few "main" types of fonts. The two I remember are "serif" and "sans serif". One has little "tails" or accents coming off the ends of characters, and one doesn't. Those little accents are serifs. So while the font as a whole looks pretty similar, the "small" change is hopping from one main category of font to another. Not really that small if they're categorized completely differently based on that change.
Serif fonts aren't bad, they're just harder to adjust to. Again, not at all an expert. Just my ideas on why a lot of people are having issues with it- disabled or not. The topic of ensuring a comfortable experience for people with disabilities is a very important aspect of the conversation, and I know discord cares about that as well. While I might adjust to the serifs in a reasonable amount of time if I stopped crying about it, there are countless others that might not. I don't want to speak for you or others, but I'm here to spark the conversation for myself while also seeing the larger implications.
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RefrigeratedTP Actually, gg sans is a sans-serif font! As is Whitney. It's a good guess though! If that was the case, it could definitely cause people some issues. I'm actually not sure what it is about this new font that's causing so many troubles, but there's people more educated on it than me who could probably chime in here.
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>:( okay well I still don't like it. lol thanks for setting me straight though.
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RefrigeratedTP LOL, I'm with you there man. (Sorry if I seemed rude btw that wasn't the intention!)
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haha no no not at all. No worries :)
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I'm in the same boat as RefrigeratedTP - I don't have any conditions, but being forced into this font is a deal breaker for me. At least I can prevent updates from going out to the mobile discord app, and hold onto the old font for a little while longer. This is an ill advised, ham-fisted change that does not seem like anyone who made the decision thought about for more than 15 seconds . o O ("Oh I like this font! Let's use it everywhere")
It is ugly (subjective), it's tough to read (objective), the spacing is off (objectively vs. the old font and other common fonts like Arial, Calibri, etc.), the curls on the letters make it look like it's trying to be fancy calligraphy from the 1700s (subjective), and it's overall hard on the eyes (subjective).
I don't need to use any old custom font - just something that's a reasonable facsimile of the old font without all the extra fluff. A basic, common font would be great. gg sans is not it - it's like the lite version of Comic Sans.
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I agree the new font is absolutely terrible and causes me incredibly eye strain. I also have dyslexia and this font just makes everything on discord absolutely unreadable for me & the words just start to blend together after a short amount of time. It would've been better to at least give us the option to switch to the old font.
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I genuinely agree. This new font is giving me actual anxiety because I can barely look at it without feeling as though it's just... wrong in some way. The letters are way too squished and tall, some letters look like they're randomly bolded... it's a nightmare to look at for too long!
I don't know if it's because of my own disabilities, but it feels like it. I already have anxiety, I don't need a stupid font making things worse!
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totally with you. as soon as the font changed, I noticed right away, however some of my friends didn't, so I thought I was being nitpicky. im glad I've found other people who have a problem with the font. I'm not sure if my neurodivergency has anything to do with it but everything feels off and I hate it :(
I hope I'm not just being dramatic, I know it takes a lot of work to design a new font but I would like an option to switch it back.6 -
it is insane how many updates discord pushes out that contributes nothing to its users and actively harms its users. I cant read messages anymore and my eyesight isnt even that bad. and going into my phones system settings to make text bigger had no effect
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I get occipital migraines. This is more triggering for them.
Also, dyslexic friends are having issues reading messages now too.Discord didn't consider anyone with any sort of visual or neurological impairment in designing this as a forced feature. Not cool.
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Definitely a sensory nightmare. I've also been making way more typing mistakes than I usually do.
Overall the font change made it very hard to both read and write2
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