Account disabled due to chargebacks
So, I just recently, this morning, got notified that my account had been disabled due to chargebacks, and I saw this coming, but I didn't see the disable coming my way, as these charges were made on a card that should not have worked, because this card was cut and disabled by the company, to prevent it from ever being used again, these charges came back as it started buying nitro under the card, that I had completely forgotten about, so now I am very unsure on what to do, I sent an appeal stating that the charges are being worked on to be withdrawn by the company, and I'm really trying to see if I can get this resolved to get my account back. If anyone has any advice for me, that would be amazing.
If you withdraw the chargeback you get unsuspended
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The card was presumably disabled, even told by the company that it was, what you're saying is basically just accept the charges on the card?
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It's between you and the company to resolve that
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So basically, it could go like, I could possibly discuss with the company to see if the charges could get withdrawn, but if that happens, then I probably won't get back the account. So I'd have to see what I can resolve
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the same thing is happening with me i need help because i dont wish to lose my account :( how can i get it back
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You can get it back by withdrawing the chargeback
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how do i do that?
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Big P how would i withdraw the chargeback
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and how long does it take or will they delete my account after some time?
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You need to talk to your bank
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Big P on but how long till my account is deleted?
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got it back
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it took some time
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how did you get it back?
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