My account was hacked?


Комментариев: 14

  • TheCuriousCatPerson

    I can help you with this. Follow these steps.

    1. Download Discord Bot Client from the chrome webstore

    2. Go to in

    3. Enter your bot's token on there to login to your bot

    4. If your bot is still in any servers. Find your account and copy it's username and user ID

    5. Make another support ticket and include the following things

    • Your username and tag
    • Your user ID
    • Your email address
    • Your phone number
    • Your IP address


  • blz

    So, they've deleted every server, but the bot still work. I got to my brother's account (I blocked my account yesterday) and seems that they just put a . before my name, but i'm not sure if it is updated (because of the block)

    I can't get user ID because, none of my friends are still friends with account.. I've told everyone to block it until i recover it.


    Also, phone number was added to account, but I removed it a while ago. BUT, on the account page, said that the account is verified.. So, I guess they're good. 

    I'll try to give them phone nr and ip adress, maybe they will get it..


    What do you think?

    Edit 2

    I can't find the user anymore... it looks like they changed the user and # with a different one...

  • TheCuriousCatPerson

    Did somebody send you a file on Discord?

  • TheCuriousCatPerson

    I can see through the blurred text. You should blur it harder

    Don't worry I'm not gonna hack your bot

  • blz

    I'm not sure.. As I remember, I had the setting that didn't let people to send me friend req or messages.. So no...



    I managed to get the user ID!!!

    What do you think? Can they recover my account with those informations? I mean... it should be enough the invoice and transaction id from nitro...

  • TheCuriousCatPerson

    I think they can with a user ID

  • blz

    I can also get one of the deleted servers id... but i don't know if it gonna help in any ways...

  • blz

    The ID seems to be good, when I try to add him it says is not accepting friend req.. So, I guess im on a good way.

  • blz

    Wtf? It's been 4 days since i've submited support req, and no one answer me... This support it's worse than Minecraft's one, damn

  • blz

    Almost 2 weeks and nothing. Good job, discord. 

  • blz

    Yeah, I hit 1 month of waiting.... Interesting..

  • eeeeeeeee

    Oh,its been 4 month.


  • eeeeeeeee

    Did you managed to get ur account back?


  • I have a problem I cannot login to my discord account cause someone hacked me and changed the email I need help.


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