Colors are extremely harsh to eyes as a disabled person
The new color scheme is really, really harmful to my eyes.
I'm autistic and I'm sensitive to bright lights and loud noises, I use discord dark mode. Discord dark mode is great and there's nothing really bright.
The rebrand;
I would describe the new rebrand as.. "discord light modeification", take a look at this
It's sharp purple on bright yellow, and the reactions are a light color on a light background, it's harsh to the eyes and there's just some objectively bad graphic design choices like having a light color on a light background (the reactions)
Everything's just too bright and busy. On another subjective note, this all feels way to childish, bright colors, wacky fonts, wacky art style, I don't get why appealing to kids is top priority when kids have the hardest time on discord due to bullying or predators.
The discord chat;
The unreacted reactions blend too much with the background, and the reacted ones just don't fit in, they're too bright for their surroundings and bother me a bit.
The pings are just too bright for their surroundings and mess up the flow of dark mode.
This is a nitpick but the new green is too sharp, the old one was nice and blended in.
In conclusion please for the love of god change it back back, it's subjectively bad in terms of graphic design and objectively bad when it comes to being way to bright and the colors not flowing
I'm a fellow autistic person (Diagnosed with Aspergers when I was 10, am 23 now). I wholeheartedly agree with everything you just said. I don't appreciate the new colors and logo at all because they are very hostile to someone with Autism in particular and cause a strain on the eyes, I genuinely don't understand why they would even change the logo and font in the first place because it was amazing and unique in a way that was extremely positive.
It's been so frustrating seeing the past few updates being pushed through when it just looks and feels like everything goes in the opposite direction; especially with this one. I didn't notice the issue with the emotes like you did, but I found myself that on Dark Mode the background and spacing gets really messed up with the reaction emotes which is not fun at all. I think the previous layout was just fine so I hope they really reconsiders this move.
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Not incredibly related, but as someone who gets migraines very easily from bright colors, I agree wholeheartedly. A toggle would be perfect.
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100% agree with this as well
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I'm not even autistic and they hurt my eyes! Discord please fix this
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I was hoping that the new color and font were joke similar to their competitor made but apparently it was a real thing. The new color is very uncomfortable to look at and in the app the disgustingly bright blue logo is sticking out like a sore thumb whenever I'm chatting in DMs.
The old color was recognizeable and comfortable for eyes. I preferred the old font for the logo too but my main issue is the annoying color that I can't change...
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i'm autistic and it dislike this new update. I don't like change and I don't like how this update was not optional. the colours are too bright and i want to go back to the old design
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