discord rebranding - please go back to what you had before, this is harmful. you're hurting us.
there are hundreds of people asking y'all to go back to the old theme because your update is really, really harmful to the disabled folk who use your platform. the colours strain the eyes and the new font is difficult to read for those with reading impairments.
this isn't just something y'all should be brushing aside as "trouble adjusting to change." you are actively harming the people who use your platform.
i'm incredibly disappointed that y'all have disregarded the hundreds of users telling you that the new UI is a mistake because it's hurting disabled and impaired people.
if this continues, people are going to move to another platform
please fix this. you're hurting us.
if you're not going to revert to the old design, at least allow the option for users to go back to the previous design.
you're hurting us.
Please, I 100% support this, we need it fixed! If I knew how to make my own platform I absolutely would.
25 -
Yes please!! This new color is absolutely blinding, it hurts to look at.
29 -
I am havign such a difficult time reading anything in the new purplish color you have. Especially in dark mode. It's making everything blur together. I am sad and disappointed. I also LIKED the faded easy on the eyes look you had before. Now you're just making it look cartoony on top of making it difficult to read.
30 -
Agreed, I've been getting eyestrain headaches ever since the design update launched
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Agreed fully
13 -
The new purple is hard to look at for more than a few minutes at a time. Please go back to the softer, more faded look. It was much easier on the eyes.
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This is a link to Discord’s official accessibility feedback form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTzNbITTRx4BYWFlC3gi_lEi3D3rsa9VCBK_EphF5myDb7uw/viewform Last time I checked they were asking people to fill out this form. Please share link if you think it would help.
5 -
Unfortunately they don't actually check the feedback on the feedback form & it's only a red herring. It's been a week and they've so far doubled down by way of silence, expecting us to let it go.
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I support this 100%!!
3 -
I thought we had some traction, when the devs started responding on Reddit to a teen with autism: https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/nf8e0b/redesign_by_a_teenager_with_autism_who_cant_deal/
But the devs quickly got petulant and angry and shut down the discussion.0
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