Discord Account Appeals (What you need to know)


Комментариев: 102

  • Cosmo

    I have no idea what to do at this point. I own one of the largest US GTA RP communities with around 80k members. I have been spam reported by trolls 3 times in the past. Every time I would reach out to the abuse discord email and they would assist me every time.

    It happened a fourth time now and I made a ticket since they seem to have removed the abuse email. I got a message back from Clyde saying that they wouldn't re-instate my account. I know this isn't right since I am extremely paranoid CONSTANTLY about my discord account. I own servers that I am extremely careful with. I have 30 staff members and 8 developers always making sure everything is clean. 

    I replied to the message from Clyde explaining the situation and after 5 more days the ticket was solved without reply. I opened a general question ticket to ask what will happen to my servers and ask for a person to hear my case. Any and all tickets that I create get automatically solved without reply by Nelly within 10 minutes.

    I have tried everything. I have tried appealing, I have tried asking general questions and the tickets get auto closed. I tried reaching out to twitter support, I tried creating a reddit post that got locked and removed by mods before anyone could even see it.

    I know I haven't done anything wrong and that someone has caused this on purpose. I just wish there was a way to communicate with Discord before its too late. Every member on my game server is required to join our Discord to read our rules and RP policies etc. I am beyond heartbroken by this

  • Haunt

    Howdy Cosmo,

    Thanks for the info.

    However, I have a couple questions regarding your comment.

    Was your account disabled or was your server removed from Discord? If your account was disabled, it is likely that you may have slipped-up and said something that could have been used against you by mass reporting in direct messages or in another server.

    If your server was removed from the platform, and there were no traces of any kind of content in the server that were purposefully used to misuse the terms of service, it is likely an exploit was used inside of your server. If threads were enabled inside of your server, it is possible for users to scroll up to a very old message in the chat and create a thread, and delete the message that shows them creating it. 

    Inside of this thread, the user may have sent content that was not allowed on the platform, and since the moderation in your server was unaware the thread was created, they could not take action against this user, meaning the person that sent the violating content could have submitted a ticket explaining that your server allowed shock content, or content that did not follow the guidelines. This type of report is fully the support agents fault, and not yours at all. However, if this is the case, I hate to break the news to you but your server will not be reinstated. If Clyde responded to your ticket informing you that your account will not be reinstated, the chances of you getting your account back are slim.

    I apologize for the loss of your account/server, and hope that you get it back soon.


    Best, Haunt

  • Cosmo

    All my servers are fine. As I mentioned we are very strict and professional when it comes to managing these servers. It's only my account that was affected. We ban up to 20 people every day due to the amount of rule breaks on a 350/350 player server.

    Like last time I must have been mass reported since my name is at the top of the server as "owner". The disable reason was something outrageous and bizarre. Hacking and fraud etc. My name is on the top of the discord server so I assume I got spam reported and the trust and safety team isn't bothering to let me reply to any ticket due to the severity of the spam reports.

    I am so lost right now, and I know I haven't done anything wrong.

  • Cosmo

    I just know in my heart that if a person from the trust and safety department could take some of their time to look in to this matter I am positive they would see that I didn't break TOS in any way shape or form.

  • I'm going ok nearly 3 weeks being disabled for supposedly spamming which I wasn't I didn't break any of the tos at all

  • Haunt

    Hey Cosmo,

    I'm glad to hear your server is fine. If the account that was holding ownership of the server was disabled, you can create a ticket requesting to transfer ownership by doing the following:

    Help & Support -> Server Related Requests -> Server Ownership Transfer Request

    Doing this assures your server is still in shape and you remain with ownership.


    As per your account, you may have posted a file or link to something that contained malicious code inside of it. This is an automatic flag by the review bots when users submit a report on your account. Unfortunately, there is no way to track the content that was reported, since after your account is disabled, the message that was reported is also deleted automatically.

    Once again, I encourage you to reach out to Help & Support by transferring ownership of your server to an in-tact account. I believe and empathize with you when you say your account was disabled in error.

    Unfortunately, if you received a response from Clyde stating that your account will not be reinstated, it is likely that it will remain disabled.


    Best of luck, Haunt

  • Haunt

    Howdy Justin Wayne elrod (Jrod),


    If your account was disabled for spam, this was not made in error. This means that you at some point spammed multiple messages flooding a server channel, group direct message, or direct message. However, if your appeal has not been reviewed yet, the chances of you getting your account back are high, considering being disabled for spam is not too serious of an action. 

    Good luck with your appeals, and remember to use the tips given in my post!

    Best, Haunt

  • Lily Sakura

    It's a pretty complicated situation, considering statistics from the transparency report from 7/13/2023 reveals practically only 2% of users total from that time period got appealed accounts, and majority of reasons range from 0-0.1% to 0.5% of people, so it's likely going to take some time to even get revealed due to limited information available, which is difficult to explain if one does not do research into how Discord reports actually work, the laws around it, and what you can do and can't really do though, and there is similar problems for law enforcement agencies as well for requests for data/information though.

    I would advise researching into it. At least you should know, this possible banwave recently this month from June to July, 2023, is likely related though, since it seems to target video-game discord servers and historical content related stuff though, so you are not alone with dealing these problems though too.

    I'm surprised they even disable/ban discord accounts for spamming, since that's a bit unusual, than the usual warnings that they have in place though, instead of just doing a temporary mute feature since I already know it does occur even if one is in a channel designated for it from other people that were supposedly affected by this, but I cannot verify such claims though as those were years ago on the support forums and Discord platform though.

  • skenxagetx

    but if it is about age verification ( i was disabled for allegedly being 13 ) but i send a photo of me with my id and username confirming i am above 18 years of age , it should be a 100% reinstate right?

  • Haunt

    Howdy skenxagetx,

    Yes, as long as you provided the required material and the photo is clear and well lit, your account will 100% be reinstated.

  • Haunt

    What’s up Lily Sakura,

    Thanks for providing that extra info! The transparency reports are definitely a good source to look at when taking appeals into account. It does a good job at displaying the chances of your appeal being successful.

    Unfortunately, it seems as though most of the time the appeals are denied. However, don’t let this discourage! If the account was disabled in error, it will 100% be reinstated. Most of the time, discord support does not make mistakes when they investigate reports, but it does not go to say that it’s impossible.

    Again, to anyone with disabled accounts, I wish the best of luck with your appeals!

  • .snow

    Hello  my account was deactivated on 21.06.2023 and I made 3 tickets around 4 days apart and I only received automatic responses from the bot and today on this day 21.07.2023 as you well know the account is permanently deleted because the 30 days have passed and there is no way or chance to reactivate it or something?

  • Haunt

    Unfortunately once the account has turned into “Deleted User” that means the account has been permanently deleted from the database. There is no way for you to get your account back after this point.
    I encourage you to create a new account and continue using the platform.

  • Justin Wayne elrod (Jrod)

    OK Haunt I'll take your word for it but at the same if I did spam it should only be a warning and not an automatic log out of my account some things do need to change like an actual warning system like a 3 strike system or something lIke tthat if we do something wrong a warning them a disablment then maybe a another disablment but a little longer before we can get back on our accounts just very unacceptable to just automacticly disable our accounts

  • Cosmo

    Haunt, every ticket I make gets auto resolved though. Even if I make a transfer request it will get auto closed within 10 minutes.

    Also, won't my new account just get banned again? Am I allowed to create a new account? If I am able to transfer my servers to a new account I'll make sure to apply for partner as my servers are eligible.

  • Fild 37724

    i provide all the request like the id card to confirm my age and the paper piece of my username…this should do the work?.. i need to wait untill the support team open ticket?

  • Lily Sakura

    Even though it's statistically speaking a low chance, (less than 1-2%), it still “technically” means there's a possibility of it getting reinstated, and I already know for a fact I didn't even do anything to even cause it to get disabled though, and technically you can make new accounts, it's not a thing that's really banned under the TOS and community guidelines, unless somehow you got “IP banned”, (sometimes it's just a region not allowing access to the platform though in specific countries), but that still technically does not stop you legally from making a new or separate account or alternate accounts though, depending on country of origin though. I'm pretty sure most people have been getting automated moderation via the new AI/Bot for discord servers, which likely could of flagged stuff that broke Discord TOS and Community Guidelines though, considering from my own review of looking at the amount of reports recently, it seems to be from older Discord accounts, which still means it's fairly unlikely to have been an actual cause to be disabled, so reinstating is likely possible though.

  • Fild 37724

    i just hope i get my account back, accord to the warning email..there nothing more then false information of am being under 13 year. i just hope the not gonna permenent delete my account before they get a touch on my ticket request. there nothing say about “IP banned”, it just asked me to verify and update my age to confirm that am above 13, i alredy send all picture requests.

  • trollermcgee

    What does it mean when a ticket is still open? I submitted a ticket nearly 3 weeks ago and not only has it not been replied to, but it still says open. Does it mean they haven't even read my case? What is going on?

  • Haunt

    Hi trollermcgee,

    You can check to see if your ticket was assigned to anyone by opening your request and looking under the ticket number.

    If there is no line that says “Assigned to:” with the agents name, this means your ticket has not yet been checked.

    Again, patience is key when it comes to tickets like these, rest assured it will be reviewed.

  • Haunt

    Howdy Fild 37724,

    Yes, as long as you have provided a picture of the required material that is well-lit an easy to view, you must begin waiting for a response. Doing this guarantees an account reinstation as you verified you are not under the age of 13.

  • trollermcgee

    So does that mean that I’ve waited 17 days only to be completely ignored? 17 days dude. It seems like they want me to keep testing my patience and that my time waiting is a joke to them.

  • I haven't gotten any responses yet it seriously should not take three weeks to a ticket I'm trying to be patient but it really shouldn't take that long to respond to one ticket but i sent another one a couple days later and still no response 

  • Haunt

    Howdy trollermcgee,


    Rest assured your appeal will be reviewed after some time. The support team is very careful with accounts they reinstate as they have to fully verify that the user was not involved in the acts commited and that they were truthful in their appeal. Appeal times are never guaranteed and sometimes can take up to 3 weeks or more before a resolution comes.

    However, please be aware that they recieve many cases per day, and are simply going in order on the ticket queue. Your appeal will be reviewed before your account data is deleted.

  • Haunt

    Hey Justin Wayne elrod (Jrod),

    I understand you are becoming impatient with the support team but I will assure you they are diligently working on solving as many appeals as they can during their shift. Remember, they are humans too and receive thousands of appeals per day. Rest assured your account will be reviewed before the data is deleted.

    Hope the appeal ends in your favor!

  • trollermcgee

    Alrighty. My account was disabled due to a chargeback. At the time I got my discord account compromised because I fell for a scam. The hacker then used my credit card to buy nitro on my account. I did not authorize or recognize this charge so I went to my bank and disputed the charge because it was fraud. I sent a support ticket to discord about this issue as well, but I don't think they saw it. Hopefully, they don't think I tried to chargeback them on purpose as I had my account compromised and tried to do the right thing.

  • Haunt alrighty i understand but I'm hoping they finally look at my appeal soon 

  • Aeromexico

    My account was disabled 29 days ago and I did not receive any sort of email (checked spam) containing the reason why. I immediately made a support ticket seeking clarification and got a reply from Clyde only saying “Your account was disabled for violating our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. We will not reinstate the account.” Again, I sought clarification because the terms & guidelines are very broad, so I responded to Clyde in hopes of reaching a human. For over 3 weeks after, my ticket remained open until someone came by and closed it without leaving any sort of response.

    The vagueness and overall lack of support that I've received has been astonishingly brutal. Haunt I have more or less intuitively followed your suggestions and have certainly never once been disrespectful towards staff, but alas, they do not seem at all interested in even doing me the courtesy of explaining what portion of the ToS was supposedly violated. I've given up on recovering this account.

  • Fild 37724

    well if they will be review my ticket before purged my account then i be glad to..cuz this is a false disable for no reasone. Haunt 

  • Haunt

    Hey trollermcgee,

    For future reference, please make sure you create a support ticket before submitting a bank report for a fraudulent transaction. You will always be guaranteed a refund, and I can understand if it was done out of a panic, but the support team is never sure when its fraudulent or if your account was compromised. However, please be assured your account will be reviewed and access will be regained after the support team reviews your appeal.

    Have a nice day!


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