Disabled for no Reason
Well, after 5+ years on discord and hundreds into nitro, my account was deleted after almost 1 month of trying to contact discord. I tried contacting them and reopening the tickets over and over again but never once received any help. The only response I ever got once from Clyde telling me they would not reinstate my account and that I violated the Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. I will also mention that I was not even active on discord during the week of my apparent “violation”. I also did not get hacked I assume considering I have 2FA through a code generating app, and never got any email about a new login. So after multiple attempts, no help, and almost a month gone by, my account was deleted. All those years of memories, friends, nitro, my servers, all gone. The best part of it all, they never told me what rule i actually violated. They kept sending the bot response saying I violated TOS or Community Guidelines, but could never tell me what I actually did wrong. I also never got an original email about my account being disabled in the first place, so I did not have that to tell me what I did wrong either. So, my account is gone, cool, not the only one either. I looked into it during this whole issue and TONS of people have had the same issue with the same outcome as me, great support team. Next, trying to get a data package so I can have a list of my friends and servers since some friends I have no way of contacting them if I lose this account, and I dont remember their users either. Nope, they closed my ticket requesting that without even a bot response, so I reopened it with a reply, and have still not received anything from them. Next issue, when my account was disabled, they still took out my payment for discord nitro. At the time I did not worry about getting a refund since I had hope I would get my account back. Which I obviously didnt, so I emailed about getting a refund, they basically just told me no. So they disabled my account for no reason, wont give me MY DATA, and they wont give me the money that they took from me on a disabled account. NEXT issue, I have a server with about 200 people in it that I owned, so now that I lost that account I wanted to transfer the ownership of the server to another account. I create a ticket for it, they close it with no response, I open the ticket with another reply, they close it without response, I open it again, they close it without response, I open it again, and now they left it open with no response. I get the account thats going to take ownership of the server to email them, they basically just tell him no. So, moral of story, discord support team sucks, and I am trying a new app and not planning to give any more of my money to discord. Going to try an app called Guilded, basically discord but better audio bitrate, 1080p 60fps streaming for free (maybe even higher, not sure as my monitor is only 1080p), 500MB upload file size for free, compared to discord's 25MB. Im sure it has its bugs and issues as its smaller, but id rather get all the features i paid for, for free on Guilded, than give discord my money for those features after this whole experience. I loved discord, but I cant support them the same way after this experience. Ill see how well Guilded works out. Thanks for reading the rant.
It’s because they don’t actually care about there community only there income. Unfortunately there a social media platform that don’t actually have a good support set up and there ban system is a 1x appeal miss any information and they say we don’t care bye. Hopefully one day they will actually care about there community again.
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Couldn't have said it better myself Neko Saber. I even provided photos and everything they would possible need to confirm my identity and age, but they just closed the ticket and ignored it.
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I also sent DMs on twitter to discord support over the course of the month, and put a reply on one of their posts. They never once responded to me or anybody else with account issues, but responded to everyone else having small issues like “on mobile, the swipe to open the menu bar doesn't work smoothly and takes a few swipes before it opens it”.
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There social media team literally told me too make a new account so support basically ban people for the same company teams tell u yoo ban evade.
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The whole discord support is just trash, but they wont change anything cause there isnt really any discord alternatives so even if they continue to be trash, theyre still gonna get the money. For now at least, hopefully something comes along one day to compete with discord.
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Same happened to me, eight years on discord, no problems, no warnings, then about a month ago, account suddenly disabled for no reason, no reply from support at all, still don't know what happened and soon they will delete my account like they did to yours.
It's extremely depressing and frustrating.
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Yeah it’s like the whole nitro and stuff I can look past, it’s honestly mainly all the memories I lost, and they won’t give me my data package either. If I could get my data package then I’d have my servers, friends, and messages so it wouldn’t be that bad starting over, but they won’t.
Sorry about it happening to you too.
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They deleted it :(
There was literally nothing I could do and nowhere I could appeal.
Still don't know why it happened.
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They have tickets for appeals but they don’t ever read it. Every time I either got ignored or a got a bot response saying they won’t reinstate my account but they never once told me why I was disabled. Sorry to hear about your account though. Discord needs to get better support, or the users need to do something to fight back so that discord does step up their game.
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Damn, bro. I feel sorry for your account. I got banned recently too. I was trolling around with my age, and the bot auto-banned me. I submitted requests to them, but still can't get any reply after a week. Now, all I can do is wait and wait.
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any luck Dzi97246?
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I got Disable for no reason. I had friends and Nitro on my account. My user was cacabean
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