Discord ToS - suspension & permanent - ticket request
I got banned 1 day ago due age problem. I received an email and had to send a request, but when I did nothing happened. Now I tried again and I acutally saw a green text pop-up showing something like ‘Request Submitted’. I also found that if you send too many tickets they will ignore it or remove it? But I can't help if nothing happens and when I try few hours later I actually see a notification.
Their new Warning system, which should make it more transparent etc seems not fully user-friendly, if I can word it this way.
Apart from that, When I try to login on the website it just refreshed the website, it happens I will login, but only able to see the page with the status of my account, from status ‘safe’ to status ‘permanent suspension’.
It said in the mail that my account got ‘disabled’. So from no rule broken and safe status to permanent suspension?
And this means if my ticket won't be seen or ignored, … even with the new system, my account will be deleted after 14 days?
Also some people in the past 1-3 years according to their posts, mentioned their account was suspended or so for 2 years, 4 years, .. isn't that absurd? Even if it mentions or it is known that an unused or banned account will be deleted after 14 days?
Same thing is happening to me bro. Their system sucks
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