Perhaps allow both means to enter the Direct Messages tab? & more UI discussion.
It looks like whether the way to enter DMs is pretty controversial, with some liking it as it's own bottom row tab, some liking their UI to be closer to desktop, some that used to prefer it like desktop and found the new change to be more helpful. Either way, I think having a toggle, like others have stated, would be the best course of action so people can choose what works best for them, rather than forcing one outcome on everyone. If that's not possible, why not have both means of entering DMs existent in the same version? having one tiny DM button on top the server list isn't that intrusive of a feature if it's one you don't personally use, and vice versa if people don't use the bottom row tab. Worst case, it just confuses new users on why there's two buttons to do the same purpose, but from there on they can use what's most comfortable to them.
One thing I would REALLY like to see, is the ability to spoiler sensitive media shown in the screen with the global search feature. I'm not sure if it spoils images that are intrinsically sent with a spoiler, but I feel it should *also* do so for media sent in channels marked with sensitive content. Users willingly open those channels knowing they'll stumble into sensitive content, but don't have the same conscious consent when simply heading towards a global search bar, and it can lead to some pretty awkward moments if someone's glaring at your screen.
Besides that, I'm actually pretty happy with some of the changes Discord has been making. Having a in:channel search tag that can be removed when searching inside a channel is IMO an amazing compromise to the previous issue, and I'm very glad to see it solved. Excited to see their solution for a swipe-right server member tab being reintroduced, as I personally do not use the swipe-to-reply feature (though I imagine many have come to love that feature.)
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