After 53 days, I FINALLY got my account back. Discord finally responded.


Комментариев: 20

  • RJRacoon

    Congrats BatHunter!! Glad you managed to get the support finally! 

  • Solid Snake

    you also got refunded? That's a win

  • akiw

    Congrats! I was in the same boat since 1st April and I got it back 4 days ago!

  • Katiekatboo2004

    akiw how did you get your account back so fast?

  • Realkingseeker1089

    Honestly a miracle that they responded that fast.

  • akiw

    Katiekatboo2004 Same old story, give enough proof, elaborate all the details as detailed as possible, put “yes” on the have you received an email for email change (Although I didn't choose yes but it worked for most of the others it seems), do not spam tickets, and wait a painfully long time of depression and regret, you may get it first try like I did or you'll get a canned message of “We are unable to provide further help”, then what do you is to get chatgpt to write you a paragraph with your details with stronger and demanding words, some of them takes up to three tickets before they reply, but it seems like they are getting to work as two of my friends got their account back as well two to three days after me

  • Avishay Kormiking

    I got a suspension because they think I'm under 13 and I'm soon 14

  • akiw

    Avishay Kormiking  if you’re not then give them prove, ID and stuff and also the laws of your country’s policy about the minimum age to own the account, then hope they will dispatch a guy to look into your ticket quick enough.

  • Avishay Kormiking

    I gave them an ID card

  • Avishay Kormiking

    Want me to send here

  • akiw

    Avishay Kormiking NONONO, never send your own identity and personal information to websites and to strangers, keep it to yourself, make sure you send it to the support in the ticket while telling them about the minimum age to own a discord account, you don’t need to send any personal information here, this is just a forum and they won’t notice it

  • Avishay Kormiking

    I sent my ID and they don't answer 

  • akiw

    Avishay Kormiking Good but again it is a process that takes time, they are not working 24hours straight and each of them got a bunch of tickets to solve, you need to wait

  • Realkingseeker1089

    just got my account back, and christ in heaven it only took 5 days for me. Either their queue is getting less stacked or its because I only opened 1 ticket. I heard that duplicating ticket causes delay cause it re-queues you back to very end of the line. That's atleast what I heard from the Discord support team on twitter, since tickets are handled by first-come-first-serve basis.

  • arachan23

    how do you guys get ur account back i need help 

  • akiw

    arachan23 How did you lost your account? Add me on discord akiw0701 for any help or guide needed and I'll see what I can do to help if you want

  • Avishay Kormiking

    I sent

  • Avishay Kormiking

    I just sent what?

  • Avishay Kormiking

    akiw i sent to you 

  • Makara Furusawa

    akiw I sent your friend request on my alt.


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