Making this post cause Discord hasn't responded to my age appeal tickets
I know discord support is bad so I'm making this post in hope of some kind of attention from someone at Discord.
I sent an age appeal 14 days ago for my falsely disabled account which they responded to about twice for the first 3 days. I was told that the image I sent wasn't clear so I asked what part of the image wasn't clear which they responded saying my face wasn't clearly shown. I took another picture and emailed them and they've ghosted me since. I've sent two other tickets with 4 days in between each and both have been marked solved (probably by a robot) with no response.
I'm worried that the tickets are going to go past the account deletion date which I heard was a month. Especially cause my account was reported for a message I said as a joke. I'm above the age to use Discord so this is really frustrating.
Don't worry you have 30 days and discord doesn't delete an acc if it a ticket is open
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Sorry I'm not understanding this reply. Are you saying discord doesn't delete accounts if there's a ticket open even if it's been 30 days or that I have 30 days?
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I'm having the same issue here, i already submitted a req to them like 13 times and they only mark my tickets as "solved” without solving a damn thing .
Now i have to wait untill they remove the suspension automaticly after 2 whole years.
All of this started over a joke
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Yeah thats what i'm saying
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They genuinely need to increase the size of the support team or increase the period for an account to be deleted. 30 days isn't enough when you're being ignored. My problem can be fixed in 5 minutes and they're not even bothering to try. I get that there's a small team (which already is a problem) but it shouldn't be THIS bad.
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i currently have the same problem if you get unbanned can you tell us here
i sent appeal 11 days ago and still no respond at all
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Yeah I'll say if I get unbanned though it's unlikely. I heard of you keep responding or sending new tickets it sends you to the back of queue which is stupid because Discord never says that in any of their support websites.
Discord says that support should reply in 24-48 hours which has to be a joke.
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Atp this just me venting
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ive read alot of people talking about age appeal most of them said they got unbanned ive even read one who got unbanned after 2 months we just gotta wait for them as long as the ticket is open we good
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maybe they are investigating the id i mean atleast they answered u once i still didnt get anything from them
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Maybe you're right, but there's a bunch of people that say they can't banned after 30 days. Either way good luck on your ticket.
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I am going through the same thing, and it’s mentally draining. Just going to keep hoping they respond to my appeal :((
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I got a response yesterday you can use photo id but if you dont have that you can use a school id and a birth certificate in the same photo with your name visible and the face visible on the school photo id and the date of birth on the birth certificate
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I’ve also been waiting for 17 days and no response whatsoever :( They even took money for nitro monthly which kinda sucks. I also saw someone view my ticket 4 days ago and STILL no response…it’s so tiring, it feels like I’m speaking to a blank wall sometimes.
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I got a reply on day 3 because I accidentally wrote my username wrong and I sent in a new selfie ASAP. But clearly, I've been ghosted ever since because it's day 22 now… awaiting the day I see my username on my account turn into “deleted user” in 8 days :/
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ChuckEChess how long have u been waiting for since appeal
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Ashley Yuen35369
You wont lost your account if u did everything right they most likely prioritize the accounts that are near getting deleted like 29th or 30th day
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Ive been waiting for 26 days and i heard that if you have a ticket open they wont ban the account and if the ticket is closed for more than 24 hours and its over 30 days thats when theyll delete the acc
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Dam TheSimp I hope so 😭but I've seen some people are even waiting 2 months for their ticket so I'm not so sure.
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ive seen multiple people getting unbanned after 25th day including you now so pretty sure we all getting unbanned pretty soon
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Ashley Yuen35369
the only guy i saw with his ticket being answered after 2 months was hacked not appealing for age and didnt see a single age appeal who did the steps and didnt get unbanned
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ChuckECheese did you get unbanned yet? I'm on day 26 now
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Na i ain get unbanned yet im still waiting for a response
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oh i thought you got unbanned
so they told you the account doesnt get deleted if ticket is open?
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I’m on day 23 no response, and I was also falsely banned for age violations. I still don’t know if your account gets deleted after 30 days, but I’m losing hope.
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Sorry i didnt respond my account past 30 days and it hasnt been deleted so i dont think it gets deleted if you have a open ticket
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Yeah it says a month for me and my account hasn't been deleted yet. That is relieving but I don't know when they're gonna respond to the ticket. If you have a ticket up, don't respond to it or make new tickets, I heard it'll reset your queue.
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update: got my account back after 32 days
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Ash That is awesome, I'm still waiting on mine. It's good to know that after 30 days there is still a chance.
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yep, your account remains intact past 30 days as long as you have an open ticket with the email connected to the account. what I did was 18 days ago I emailed asking for an update on my original ticket and i provided the ticket ID. this created an entirely new ticket that wasn't under any category. they saw this ticket first and then went to my original ticket to solve it and ik bc the activity on the email ticket said 22:12 and then the activity on my original ticket from 32 days ago said 22:14 and then both were marked as solved. I hear that it's best to only have one single ticket and be patient but I'm glad I made another one.
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