I mistakenly gave into "accidental reporting" scam, and I can't access my account anymore.
I recently fell for the “accidental reporting” scam, and I've read literally everywhere that it takes forever to get a hacked account back.
Like the scam goes sadly, I replaced my email with an email provided by a scammer pretending to be discord support bot. I really fear that content/photos about family and friends on this account will be exposed or accessed by the wrong hands and I wish to resolve this asap.
6/11 :I submitted 3 requests, and my two initial requests provided messages and screenshots of the messages from the hacker. These two requests were submitted on 6/11
6/12: The hacker is now using my former account to message friends and has been sending the same scam. I'm still waiting on support to help me, and sadly the scam has already spread.
6/13: The discord automated message and bot marked all 3 of my requests solved, yet I havent gotten my account solved or a message of it being deleted. I have yet to have an actual person look at it.
6/14: Someone has finally responded to my request, I am currently waiting for them to retrieving my account
6/16: So after elevating my request, and getting a response from a person, they (a discord bot) marked my request solved. I dont understand why? I sent in another request which is only causing more delay. Back to square one.
6/17: They are marking all my requests solved, for no reason. I have yet to get assistance.
6/18 AHHHH I FINALLY GOT THE ACCOUNT BACK here r some tips to getting your hacked account back as i have learned now
- if your requests keep getting marked solved, bring this up with every request you make
- keep your initial requests to 2 max, it doesnt help to keep sending requests (ive sent quite a lot so trust me it doesnt do anything, it gives them more of a reason to mark your requests solved)
- make a post abt it! I made this post to get traction on getting my account back and I feel like it did help with getting my account back!
- it took me a week to get my account back, but that varies with everyone.
- be kind to the moderators, they have to individually look at everyone's account and retrieve it for them
-have screenshots! if you dont, it may be tougher explaining the situation
-be patient. I know this is a bad thing to say but it will take a while. I think i would cap the max time 3 months (from everything i've read).
I'll keep you guys updated
I got it back guys!!!
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How long did it take for Discord to get back to you and do you think that they'll restore other accounts as well?
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I gave up submitting tickets for a few days, been about 7 days as well. I decided to try again today. And like Sophie said, I mentioned that Clyde bot keeps closing the tickets. I got a reply within 15 minutes of submitting a new ticket they reverted the account changes to my discord email.
In my case I could still log in because I had 2FA enabled, but couldn't change the email back because the verification would be sent to the scammer's inbox instead.
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I'm in the same situation, it's been over 5 days, and I haven't got my account. My phone number is still in the account and when I pressed forgot password, it tells me the SMS Code which the hacker enabled it, but I haven't got a text from it. Hopefully I get my account back cause this is ridiculous.
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yeah i really hope this works out, tysm for the info <3
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Unfortunately I fell for it, being tired, I was instructed to changed my email to the scammer's email (obviously a red flag). But luckily I had 2fa enabled and did not give them my password or codes. So they cannot change the password without 2fa. I submitted a ticket yesterday. It's just a waiting game.
Any notification of account changes now go the scammers email, so be careful what you do. The scammer cannot reset password or the change anything on the account without a 2fa code/password combo. I can still log in with phone number.
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Everyone please have hope. I got my account fixed after 40 hours of waiting, and without hassle (only 2 tickets). I know a lot of you are waiting still and have been waiting longer, but it looks like support might actually be helping us. To everyone waiting, fighting!
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I believe someone today is trying to scam me the same way from a friends hacked account, they say they accidentally pressed a link and sent me a screenshot of an email they got. Is this what you received, I don't want to fall victim to this, they got this username named Support_matt to contact on discord, not sure if its real😭
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I have 2FA enabled, I contacted this support_matt on discord but he seems very suspicious, adking me to change my email and hurrying me up because the ticket has a time limit or else my account will be banned immediately the moment the ticket closes. It's very weird so I stopped there 😔
It's also says he's been a member since 2018 so I don't know what to believe
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yep so they just marked all my requests (3 of them) solved. but i dont even have my account nor have i had contact from an actual human resolving it.
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Okay, I'm trying my best to get my main account back after I realized I fell for the "i accidentally reported you" scam on June 29 at around midnight. So far I submitted a lot of tickets, but I guess none of them worked. Hopefully this new ticket I've submitted would work.
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they will solve the 2 request you send and will only stay 1 request better put all your proofs in reply button on the 1 request
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i also have like all my photos in my discord we got this it will take 2-3 months tho
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yea just wait for 2 months
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wait 500 business years
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did they use ur acc sophie dough on mine they havent use it yet i think they will use it like in the next month or so ?
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The same thing happened to me.
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I don’t think the hacker’s used my account yet, but I’m tryna get it resolve asap because I fear for the safety of my friends. It’s quite disappointing that the compromised security of someone’s personal chats goes neglected by discord’s support system.
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I'm in the same boat. Just waiting for Discord Support to give my account back to my real email. I just keep watching the ticket and my account details to make sure it's still only me logged in. I changed my password right after and I can still get in with my phone, but its maddening that you need email verification from an address you can't access to change it. Why not allow text verification? Or 2 factor like password changing requires? Good luck. There's quite a few of us waiting, it looks like.
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I'm in the same boat. I fell for this scam & ended up changing my email to the scammer's after they used fear tactics on me (and I have anxiety). Thankfully I have 2FA enabled & I didn't give them my password, so they can't get in. It's still compromised because it's connected to the scammer's email though.
They just keep closing my tickets, so any time they close one I open a new one. It's going on 3 weeks now & I'm pretty annoyed over this, but I'm not giving up! I'm very stubborn lol
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That's a scam. You should block the that account.
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Alright, thank you :]
Edit: just as I responded to this their account disappeared someone must of reported before I did :O
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take ur time it took me 4 days to get my acc back !
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Clyde marked my request as solved, and no one was assigned to it, so I made another request. Hopefully someone actually responds to it. If the same thing ends up happening, I'll make another request.
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I fell for the same scammer unfortunately. I didn't get any response from my first ticket and I see that it was marked solved. Should I submit another ticket? How can we get Discord's attention so this scammer can be brought to justice and get our accounts back?
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LeFlulu yes keep submiting until a real staff notice ur ticket
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sophie whats the update did u get it back ?
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Yeah, we all have been there.. sadly
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arachan23 i havent gotten the account back, all of my requests were marked solved? idk why but i submitted one more request and hopefully they look at that
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Sophie do you need help with it? I can help u if u have backup discord I can like explain you how I made mine ,maybe it will work on you but on mine you don't have to submit another ticket you just have to like um do kinda the same thing I did. send me ur discord name I'll add u tom if u need help! it's really hard to explain it here TvT
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