Search Roles by Permissions
My server (like most) has a LOT of roles. Recently I noticed that someone had created an invite link, but I have that permission locked down in the “everyone” role and I don't recall ever having given “create invite” to another role.
It wasn't a huge deal to go through the roles that PERSON had to find the role that allowed him to do it, but it would take me a lot longer to look through ALL the roles on the server to find any others that might have it as well.
It would be GREAT if there was a “search roles by permission” feature that you could select the permission you want to search by and (optionally) the on/off value for that permission.
It would also be great if we could view/export a report showing all the permissions and their roles in a crosstab format (permissions in rows, roles in columns) with a simple +/- in each intersection to show which roles have which permissions set to what value.
Doesn't feel like this would be super-painful to develop, and I have to believe a LOT of people would use this!
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