Bot verification with an ID is a huge issue and we need a compromise.


1 комментарий

  • Daaawid

    For people who are not bot developers:

    • In simplest words intents are just permissions, but stronger. There are 3 intents, one is for reading the messages. Without it there's no way of reading messages.
    • The 100 server cap may seem pretty high, but in fact it's stupidly low, without even releasing the bot you may get 10% of it just by verificating it on different sites and testing. Another 40% will probably go to people just testing the bot. And that leaves us to 50 servers that could actually use it. Half of them even forget that they added the bot, that leaves us with 25 servers which actively use the bot.
    • It does affect you too. You're not using very good bots which just died because of this process.
    • Support this thread by upvoting just for the sake of privacy. Companies can't keep doing this.

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