Account blocked due to minimum age?


Комментариев: 10

  • Notkenzo27

    did you state anything about your age?


  • S1XO

    Yes, I have indicated that I am over 30

  • Notkenzo27

    Oh, is there a chance someone must've reported you?

  • S1XO

    Yes, I think so too, and I can guess who xD

    I hope that my account will be reactivated quickly.


  • Notkenzo27

    That might have been the reason then, It probably will take like a week. Good luck on restoring your account though dude.


  • S1XO

    Thank you :) 

  • ★🔰KiLLerrrr🔰★

    same problem its been 5days since my account got suspended and did create ticket stating that I'm not an under age user but a 24 year old who is using discord since 2018

  • S1XO

    Yes, but unfortunately the answer takes a very long time apparently.... Not so good :(

  • ★🔰KiLLerrrr🔰★

    bro I heard somewhere that permanent suspended account gets automatically deleted after 14days. I'm really scared right now because discord of all the comments and posts have read from people.

  • S1XO

    Funny, the one ticket was closed last night, and the other was the last activity also last night but nothing happened? Why?


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