Dyslexic and Visually Impaired Accessibility


Комментариев: 69

  • volturee

    Discord font is hardcoded in the app or something? And what for? I can change the entire system font with root and every app would follow suit but discord font just won't budge. What a pain!

  • Major Mayhem

    I second this motion.

  • Tuggi

    I third this motion.

  • AnthonyIsMe

    I would like this motion turned into a motion picture for added effect. 

  • Novey

    Yes please! It is very helpful for desktop, I'd love to see it implemented on mobile!

  • JustHere4Coffee

    There's inconsistency in the Dark and Light themes as well. The room list is always shown in Dark mode, which is bad if you need Light Mode for contrast, especially as everything in that panel is presented in vaguely differing shades of grey. There's no reason this one UI element cannot follow the same rules as the others. There's a lot of places where greys are used when good old black or white would offer much more usability!

  • kit

    customisability should definitely be a thing, for sure. plenty of people need a contrast more like black on white, and yet there's also people like me who find light grey on dark grey much easier on their eyes (i'm very photosensitive probably bc of autism) so there's no one default that'll work for everybody. so of course there should be options!

    i really miss the days when everything everybody used worked with pidgin/adium because you could customise damn near everything on those programs. status icons, fonts, colours, how the emoji looked, everything!

  • Colin Bradbury

    Opendyslexic font is awesome. Makes reading so much easier I would love to see it in the desktop app and mobile app

  • thunder33345
    i rather have an option to use an installed font, rather then always using system font without asking me
  • Blastoise186
    That's certainly something I'd be interested in seeing and I certainly agree that some people find particular Fonts easier
  • Jaz

    That'd actually be cool not dyslexic, but I'd love to change the normal discord font it's kind of ugly.

  • bastet_of_orion
    The symbols are useful for people with other types of vision problems, and while I agree that an option for more colour schemes is useful, keeping the symbols as an option in case someone needs them shouldn't contradict the multiple colour schemes.
  • Zandrae

    I have an easier time reading a serif font than a sans serif, and people who have things like dyslexia can use certain fonts to help them read easier. 

  • RiaSunhammer

    I am dyslexic and this would make things a LOT easier.

  • sincerevicky

    I am font lover person. And i use my custom fonts everywhere. so i am looking forward to change fonts on discord as well.

  • Grubb

    I couldn't believe myself when I realized there was no option to switch fonts. Weird that it didn't ship with that. Eagerly awaiting.

  • ||Jojo||
    Looks like we get some updates for this very soonTM
  • Adding a dyslexic friendly font & a serif font is a must.

    • Some folks have astigmatism, some have various degrees of dyslexia, some just plain have have "elder eyes". 
    • It'll save users from eye strain & conversations from confusion between capital letter "I" as in igloo & lowercase"l" as in lima. 
    • It's also darned useful on smaller screens such as tablets & cell phones.

    Thank you in advance & I'm looking forward to this update when it's rolled out.

  • Aelin Lovelace

    Please add the capability to use any font installed on our systems. I would also like if we could choose font colors and styles too. 

  • Chaton


  • Formal

    I'm going to chime in that HSL color correction to guarantee a minimum contrast for user roles/names should be part of this.  I will also reinforce what others have said in how silly it is that grey on white is the highest contrast discord offers.

  • tbodt

    I think client CSS should be customizable.

  • Banetta

    I'm a gamer, the colour scheme is setup to be the same as loot found in game, green, purple, orange etc. It's also unreadable.

    I mean, purple on dark grey? Sure this is set up by the channel owner [I think] but they aren't seeing through my eyes.


    Let us adapt it to each individual, or expect to be a second rate voice-comms system only for a long time to come.

  • NicoAiko

    I hang out with Japanese people often and the current font for Japanese/Chinese etc. on Windows is just garbage...

    On macOS the font is so clean... Let's add one for Windows too, or let us change fonts for western and eastern (or unicode in general) ourselves.



  • Zensequitur

    I personally prefer fixed width unambiguous fonts.  I would much rather have a font that is less prone to m vs rn pairs, and not to mention i, I and l.  (there are 6 different letters typed in my example for reference).  The font should should be user-side only to avoid inflicting on others a less palatable preference. 

    Please allow under settings, the ability to select a device installed font, no matter if it is Windows, Linux, Android, IOS, Mac or some future platform.

    Thank you.

  • cat 沈博智

    Yes please. I like the KaiTi font, 'specially for reading Chinese.

  • FrostingBit

    I'm a font chooser. I only like certain font and hate the other. Discord font is'nt very stylish, i don't like it so much.

  • Stelpjo

    As an Esperanto speaker who chats in Esperanto on Discord all the time, it really bothers me too. I for one support the changing of Discord's font to something better. Why does Whitney support nearly every Latin Extended-A character except for Ĉ, Ĝ, Ĥ, Ĵ and Ŝ anyway?

    If I had to suggest a replacement font, perhaps Noto Sans, which has extensive Unicode support. Or just let people choose their own font.

  • Venturer Wild

    This problem really makes an otherwise very sleek application look very disorganized and it makes it very unfun to use Discord for these communities. Really hope this gets fixed

  • liam

    I would really love to see this fixed! It’s pretty jarring to see some letters be in the correct font and some not. It’s a pretty common complaint on the Esperanto discord servers.


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