Discord for the Nintendo Switch

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Комментариев: 55

  • Официальный комментарий

    Nintendo would need to reach out to us for that one! 

  • mum
    As Danny has said, Nintendo would need to reach out to DiscordApp, like if you wanted DiscordApp on Xbox. You can suggest it to them. c:
  • Azantii

    Are you sure that Nintendo would have to reach out? I don't think it would hurt to at least ask them and pique their interest.

  • Prowerrr

    This is now pretty unlikely now that Nintendo will want people to subscribe to their online service and use their mobile app for voice chat...

  • D

    Nintendo would need to reach out to us for that collaboration.

  • Hellero

    @Dannysaur Couldn't you guys make a business inquiry with Nintendo upon the matter of discord integration with the Switch?

  • King K. Rool Boio

    All I want is just discord on the switch. I didn’t like what they just did with Xbox but maybe an ACTUAL APPLICATION for the switch. At least the treatment they did with Xbox, but I would love if they just put and app on there. That’s all I’m hoping for...


    The idea itself is really good, but there's one problem: Discord is (in comparison) a pretty small company, and Nintendo is a giant company. It would take a long time for Nintendo to respond to Discord for a "collaboration" like this.

  • Hudson Bay

    It would also be nice if we at least could integrate accounts, so it can say that you're playing a switch game 

  • SawyerNQA

    time to make a change.org thing


  • Minteck

    That must be good!

  • GhostSquirrel

    in response to this comment by Prowerrr: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360029881992/comments/360003146891 ) they might not allow it but if they allow us switch users to have discord they can still make money by selling the online service because we need to pay to go online in some games with optional online multiplayer

  • GhostSquirrel

    @SawyerNQA here you go http://chng.it/SZ98cw6xWs

  • minty

    Could be a good idea, but I think with the whole Online Membership it wouldn't really be free, kinda ruining the point of Discord. But idk.

  • DarthKitten

    But really the only place we could use it in is in Fortnite. BUT, if Nintendo manages to add this to Splatoon 2 and Mariokart, it might add something to it's value.

  • i think this is unlikely, Nintendo has its Nintendo Online

  • SonoraWolf

    I would be fine with this even if it was just for game activity only.

  • Bicurious Girl

    Yeah it would be cool

  • Lumber_Jones

    I think an RFP for brining Nintendo into the mix and even Sony for that matter would within the scope of possibility. Discord is an incredible platform that helps to connect a lot of users across so many games that any company which would say "no" would be foolish at this point. 


    Even from the standpoint of "they have their own app/service" they should be painfully aware that most adults utilize Discord services. For games like Mario Kart, Smash, Pokemon. Having a connection to Discords suite of features would not only help them to bring more of their users more connected than ever, but also to promote everything that they want to be as a company. Namely  Friendly. Open. and Welcoming. 


    also in response to @cruggs comment above Discord may be a "new" company but saying they are small at this point is just not true. Discord is a widely used and beloved program for all gamers regardless of the type of game they are enjoying.


  • rare

    Please make this a thing and make it where we can still use the voice chat through game switching and just in general in the background. Maybe Nintendo will be open to making this a huge integration for voice chat and adding friends

  • kat

    if they were to get onto the switch, it would only be useful if you can use it at the same time as playing a game. eg. you can run the spotify app at the same time as playing something. there arent any apps like this yet

  • galo


    Nintendo switch chat voice does not exist in any game just splatoon or fortnite...we need u discord

  • Brooksie

    I can see how this would be mutually beneficial and work well. Switch already gives us access to YouTube without charging, and many Indie games are HUGE on Switch. Everyone write to Nintendo to suggest it, get them on board, tell them you'd both use it and recommend it. I doubt it would take much to put them together. Great idea!

  • TheGuy

    Discord can contact Nintendo about this!
    I don’t think Nintendo would as they rarely even see Player Suggestions.
    Customer Support is extremely bad in Nintendo too, so very little chance of we suggesting this to them.
    Please Discord, just contact them and ask them if they would like it.

  • JustinRoKStar

    In my opinion, I think you guys at the staff could contact with Nintendo about having discord on switch. I’m not saying it would happen (although I would be surprised if it did), but, I just wanted to let ya know. ^^

  • Pandawan

    Let’s be honest, this probably isn’t happening. Why would Nintendo allow Discord, a text + voice chat app, on their platform if they have a competing product, Nintendo Switch Online’s mobile app? If anything, they would probably add a new version of it that runs on the Switch itself, but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t let Discord take that place.

  • [SP]XdLolWutIsLife

    Oh I didn’t know it was a duplicate of that post because I didn’t know that post existed but thank you for pointing that out I’ll alter this post a bit so it’s not a duplicate 

  • Magesw

    I call BS that Nintendo would need to reach out to Discord, I mean Hulu is on Switch and I doubt Nintendo reached out to them, more then likely Hulu reached out to Nintendo to get the dev kit to write the app for Switch.

  • MrTrash

    Even just having the integration so my friends could see what switch games I'm playing at the moment would be amazing so people would know. "Oh wait, he is playing botw, probably shouldn't interrupt him to ask to get om his pc to play tf2"


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